Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

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Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by petri »


Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4 for Windows and Mac OS X is now available on Steam for testing!

To opt-in to the beta do the following:

1) Right-click on Legend of Grimrock 2 in your Steam client, choose Properties. Mac users: If Legend of Grimrock 2 is not shown in your games library, choose "Games" from the drop-down above the library view to display all your games, not just Mac games.

2) Choose "beta" (Windows) or "mac_beta2" (Mac) from the betas dropdown.

3) The game should now download.

If you have problems downloading the game, restarting the Steam client usually helps.

Release notes since the last non-beta release:

- improved error handling of illegal object references in scripts
- added PartyComponent: isIdle(), move() and turn(), setMovementSpeed(), getMovementSpeed()
- added CameraComponent: setFov(), setNearClip(), setFarClip(), getFov(), getNearClip(), getFarClip()
- added new hook SurfaceComponent.onAcceptItem(self, item)
- added new hook PartyComponent.onDrawAttackPanel(self, champion, context, x, y)
- added new hook PartyComponent.onClickItemSlot(self, champion, container, slot, button)
- added GuiContext.getTextWidth(), getLineHeight(), translate(), scale(), resetTransform(), transformPoint(), transformVector(), inverseTransformPoint(), inverseTransformVector(), drawGuiItem(item, x, y), drawGuiItem2(item, x, y, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, width, height)
- added support for custom conditions (defineCondition)
- added GameMode.setGameFlags(flag, value) and getGameFlags(flag) (possible flags are PauseGame, HideGui, DisableMovement, DisableMouseLook, DisableMonsterAI and DisableKeyboardShortcuts)
- ItemComponent:setGameEffect() now accepts nil parameter
- bug fix: TeleporterComponent:getTeleportTarget() and StairComponent:getTeleportTarget() do not support multiple return values

- optimized CPU usage of shadow rendering
- optimized water rendering
- added touchscreen mode to game options
- improved dynamic lighting when using low quality rendering mode
- removed draw distance from graphics options
- added new hidden graphics option maxDrawDistance to grimrock.cfg
- added support for drawing portraits using the gui context
- added new scripting functions: Champion:resetExp()
- added new scripting hooks: Party.onGetPortrait() and BombItem.onExplode()
- textboxes now use OS X keyboard shortcuts (cmd-c, etc.)
- bug fix: click zones of menu options in main menu and pause menu are slightly off

- optimized rendering of trees
- bug fix: cursor is visible during loading screens and cinematics
- bug fix: screen flashes white when starting up the game
- bug fix: crash when window close button is clicked on
- bug fix: tree leaves have dark spots on OpenGL
- bug fix: fog particles are too bright on OpenGL
- bug fix: pointlights are not reflected in water on OpenGL
- bug fix: title music does not play during loading screen

- optimized CPU usage of the graphics engine
- added draw distance to graphics options
- optimized input latency especially when frame rate drops below 60 fps
- bug fix: tomb of guardians puzzle could end up in an incorrect state
- bug fix: projectiles don't pass through open cemetery gate
- bug fix: a monster standing in a monster blocker square can't be melee attacked
- bug fix: skeleton archers can be poisoned
- bug fix: projectiles stuck in a fire elemental are lost when the elemental hits the party and explodes
- bug fix: snakes inside force fields can be hit with projectiles
- bug fix: knockback can move the party while falling
- bug fix: spell panel remains open when using bare hands to cast and items are equipped into mage's hands
- bug fix: loot dropped by monsters is sometimes (very rarely) spawned in wrong square
- bug fix: non-stackable throwing items stack when auto-picked up
- bug fix: removed "invisible" energy potion in shipwreck beach
- bug fix: FirearmAttackComponent:setBaseDamageStats() has an incorrect argument type
- bug fix: ProjectileComponent:setCastByChampion() has an incorrect argument type
- bug fix: MaterialEx:setTexture() does not work for standard textures (diffuseMap, specularMap, normalMap, emissiveMap)
- bug fix: calling setDoorState() after the level has been loaded does not work
- video *.ivf files are now automatically exported to mods
- added new scripting functions: Map:getLevel(), ItemComponent:throwItem(dir, power), ItemComponent:land(), Component:getName(), Component:getClass()
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Q: does this include everything from the 2.1.19 thread too?
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by petri »

Dr.Disaster wrote:Q: does this include everything from the 2.1.19 thread too?
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by MrChoke »

WOW, did that come out fast! Thanks.
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by eLPuSHeR »

Is OpenGL renderer now available for Windows? If so, how to test it?
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Excel! Many thanks. I am still getting version 2.2.3 on OSX (tried both mac_beta and mac_beta2 with a restart in between) but have 2.2.4 on Windows and have started playing with the new features already :p.
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by eLPuSHeR »

Got the beta for Windows.

It still says (c) 2011-2014 at the title screen. :P :lol:

PS - I have been playing Scotty's Grimrock Unlimited for a couple of hours and I haven't noticed anything bad. LoG2 runs as good as eariler builds.

Good job Petri.
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by Dr.Disaster »

I can't pinpoint it yet but 2.2.4 does definately improve the framerate in certain surroundings. For example when facing a wall framerates go up like the engine only renders what can actually be seen. Also the game feels smoother then before :D
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by Frenchie »

I just wonder if there's a youtube video where we can see the improvements? It would make it also easier as reference if someone wants to address a problem...
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Re: Grimrock 2 Beta 2.2.4

Post by Drakkan »

I can definitely confirm game is now smoother a lot ! places which were lagging a hell in my dungeon are now OK. also that error debugging is really neat !
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