Lack of news / Tributes

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Re: Lack of news

Post by Ixnatifual »

Azel wrote:
Ixnatifual wrote:Without getting too wound up in the debate, here's something to consider.

Since not everyone played Dungeon Master, dropping names such as Eye of the Beholder and Ultima Underworld is a good way of getting the type of game Grimrock is across, regardless of how much influence they had.
Right, without you getting "too wound up in the debate" you decide to make a claim that the only reason AH included 3 other games as Grimrock's inspiration... is to lie via false advertising. Way to avoid getting too wound up, mister :lol:
Since I didn't actually say that, I'll choose not to reply to the rest of your post that assumes I did.
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J. Trudel
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Re: Lack of news

Post by J. Trudel »

Seriously guys, I though this post was about the lack of news on the blog but all I can see is a heated debate about what or what not LoG is supposed to be inspired from. Am I the only one seeing how futile such a debate is ? Guys at Almost Human were clearly influenced by all the past Dungeon Crawlers they have played. LoG is a Dungeon Crawler... end of the story...
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Re: Lack of news

Post by minmay »

I see you haven't gotten used to Internet forums yet.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by vlzvl »

Seriously guys, I though this post was about the lack of news on the blog but all I can see is a heated debate about what or what not LoG is supposed to be inspired from. Am I the only one seeing how futile such a debate is ? Guys at Almost Human were clearly influenced by all the past Dungeon Crawlers they have played. LoG is a Dungeon Crawler... end of the story...
I don't even know what's the buzz about influences anyway, but as long the discussion progresses politely, why not venture into it? The vast majority of topics are consumed into personal views. To be a fanatic is what bothers me, we're talking about games not politics :mrgreen:
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Anurias »

Ixnatifual wrote:
Azel wrote:
Ixnatifual wrote:Without getting too wound up in the debate, here's something to consider.

Since not everyone played Dungeon Master, dropping names such as Eye of the Beholder and Ultima Underworld is a good way of getting the type of game Grimrock is across, regardless of how much influence they had.
Right, without you getting "too wound up in the debate" you decide to make a claim that the only reason AH included 3 other games as Grimrock's inspiration... is to lie via false advertising. Way to avoid getting too wound up, mister :lol:
Since I didn't actually say that, I'll choose not to reply to the rest of your post that assumes I did.
You may not have explicitly said they included the other 3 games as a form of false advertising, but what you did say assumes that AH's entire statement was for the purposes of advertising and doesn't reflect their actual views in any way; meaning that according to your statement nothing in AH's statements are indicative of their views on the sources of their inspiration. That includes Dungeon Master itself. However, AH's statement was clear when they described LoG as "Old-school dungeon crawling game inspired by Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder and Ultima Underworld." They used the word 'inspired.'

The fact that they used the word 'inspired' discounts the possibility of the statement being simply a way to describe the type of game. Therefore, either you jumped in making a claim that AH lied, or you jumped in making a bold statement without knowing what you were talking about to claim that AH was simply describing the type of game LoG is when clearly there was more to their statements than that. Given those are the only reasonable possibilities I can conceive of at this time, I'd say Azel's take on your meaning is a reasonable assumption given that it's only fair to assume that you would have read the thread up to this point before jumping in and would have seen the statement where AH used the word 'inspired.'
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Anurias »

J. Trudel wrote:Seriously guys, I though this post was about the lack of news on the blog but all I can see is a heated debate about what or what not LoG is supposed to be inspired from. Am I the only one seeing how futile such a debate is ? Guys at Almost Human were clearly influenced by all the past Dungeon Crawlers they have played. LoG is a Dungeon Crawler... end of the story...
Sure, it started as lack of news, but that got responded to answered. The initial point of the thread is resolved so there's no harm in it derailing to a completely different topic at this point. I also don't know about anyone else in this thread but I certainly don't feel 'heated' about the topic, it's just something to discuss which gives me something to do when otherwise I'd be sitting around trying to find something to do in my down time.

Re: Lack of news

Post by Ixnatifual »

Anurias wrote: You may not have explicitly said they included the other 3 games as a form of false advertising, but what you did say assumes that AH's entire statement was for the purposes of advertising and doesn't reflect their actual views in any way; meaning that according to your statement nothing in AH's statements are indicative of their views on the sources of their inspiration.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Anurias »

If "a good way of getting the type of game Grimrock is across" is not referring to advertising then what is it? It clearly is about describing what the game is, and statement it is talking about a statement that AH made on their advertisements for the game. If you want to refute what people are taking from your statements a simple 'No.' doesn't do anything to correct the faulty views. I'm pointing out exactly how any reasonable person is more than likely to take your statements to be in reference to AH's advertising as they simply don't appear to have any other reasonable application.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Azel »

Basically, Ixnatifual doesn't grasp that advertising is a way of "getting a message across." So when he said, "a good way of getting the type of game Grimrock is across," he doesn't realize he described advertising. So either Ixnatifual has no idea what he's interjecting in this thread, or he is retracting his statement now that its ridiculous nature has been exposed. Either way, his lack of response is acceptable.

I choose to believe that AH was doing honest advertising, and I believe that all 4 games were an influence. Especially since the harsh penalties of starvation found within Dungeon Master reside no where at all within Grimrock 1 or 2 :twisted:
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Anurias »

Azel, you and your food... that keeps cropping up like you're trying to wage some subliminal anti-food campaign. If all the food goes away then my poor minotaur will wither away into a decrepit husk of skin and bone and be unable to die of his unending hunger because of the lack of starvation mechanics from the removal of food. You don't want my minotaur to be eternally hungry and looking at the rest of his party like a tasty snack do you?
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