Winter is coming

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Re: Winter is coming

Post by Grimfan »

Excellent work so far Skuggs. This is the tileset that I am patiently waiting for to complete my mod (no rush of course). Here are some suggestions that may or may not be doable depending on time and inclination.

1. Make the frozen water (the water surface specifically) more opaque than it currently is. I didn't know it was frozen until I walked on it.
2. Ice sculptures or fields of razor sharp ice for some added coldness. Perhaps using the ice shards spell as a basis.
3. Snow piles to emulate deep snow or snow drifts.
3. Ice caves!
4. Frozen corpses!
5. Changing the forcefield spell effect to emulate large blocks of ice (which I can then melt freeing the monsters inside). ;)
6. There are also some minor graphical things here and there (shaky textures and the like), but people like minmay have a better eye for such things than I do.

Regardless of whether or not any of these suggestions make it, the set still looks cool as hell. :D

EDIT: I did notice an oscillating texture with one of your background hill trees and where you pick up the rock there is a black square (it looks like black button almost) on the mountainside to the left of the rock. I should have taken screenshots. :oops:
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by Skuggasveinn »

Thx for the feedback, I really appreciate people taking the time.
minmay wrote:Looks very good to me, except that the lighting on your large rock arch is messed up. Very visible in this screenshot where it intersects with the wall:
This has been reduced greatly across all models in the new build.
Mal85 wrote:Only one thing struck me as odd looking and that is the little shrubs on the scenic hill bits
Agree, they have been replaced.
THOM wrote:... and the backgroundmountains are definitly not for getting close to them (textures are too much upscaled).
The have been offset further away in the new build.
Drakkan wrote: - does the snow support elevation (different levels) somehow, or it is for "flat" levels only ? Some snowy walls for it could be nice. the same for snow ladders.
You mean like this ? the plan is to include a new ladder also (rope ladder).
Drakkan wrote:- What about these amazing autumn trees in screens ? could be nice for some transitions.
They are included, didn't place them in the demo, but they are there.
Drakkan wrote:- could be snowing somehow disabled (it is component of sky ?))
Snow effect is not part of the sky, they are object called sx_snow_emitter and you can use a script to fade out/in the particles, so yes
Drakkan wrote:- that freezed water is absolutely amazing. any chance that party could crack the ice and fall into frozen water ? (means I am asking if you plan also some freeze_underwater tiles to be defined)
I have an underwater tile, I did try some things like using destroy and spawning a hole in the lake, party fell through but it was ugly, and then there is the question of how do they get out since its ice above ;), I'm still trying to find a nice solution to this.
Grimfan wrote: Make the frozen water (the water surface specifically) more opaque than it currently is. I didn't know it was frozen until I walked on it.
I'm having a real issue with the shaders, It seems that if I rename a material (just renaming mind you) then the water shader freaks out, I have a feeling that the material names of the texture that can go into a shader is hardcoded in some way.

As to the all the others, snowman, Ice-caves (perhaps a another tileset), frozen corpses etc. I will see how much a can cram into this.
I'm focusing on the Tileset and make it Grimrock functional (it has pits, trapdoors, receptors etc etc). Everything else is just extra if I have the time.

Thank you all for taking the time to comment. If people have anything to add I'm still taking notes :D

-edit for typos
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by Drakkan »

Skuggasveinn wrote:Thx for the feedback, I really appreciate people taking the time.
the only one who deserve thanks to, is you Skugg. I think majority people would be grateful even if you release the asset from half so good then you are planning to, so really thanks for your work and effort and hope you will enjoy your creation later in some mods !
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by Mal85 »

Agreed, these are marvelous to behold. I can't wait to see what I can create using this wonderful tileset. Thank you kindly for putting in such great work for us to use.
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by Grimfan »

Now that I have seen minmay's snow tileset (or part of it) it will be interesting to see which one turns out the best. Not that I'm trying to foster any friendly competition or anything. ;)

A rope ladder would be excellent Skuggs. It must happen!

Also, are your autumn/fall trees going to be included in the pack? They would make for a great transition zone between snow and normal forest terrain.
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by msyblade »

:shock: . . . . :o . . . . :) . . . . :D . . . . :!: . . :idea: . :twisted:

Just. . .Just gorgeous. I plan on using this extensively. Thanks a million Skuggs!
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by TheStoryteller01 »

This is definitely opening the door for a lot of different mods. Thanks a lot for your creative and hard work!
In case you find my grammar and/or spelling weird ---> native german speaker ^^
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by Skuggasveinn »

This is coming along very well.
Drakkan has been playing around with the tileset for a few weeks and I have gotten some excellent feedback from him.
And that got me thinking about releasing this to the nexus in the next couple of days, and then just get the community involved with evolving this thing.
I could spend months just adding stuff into this tileset but since I'm not making a mod atm and don't have a clear vision of what I need the best thing would be just to release and see what people really need to have, I could then work on adding or improving the tileset given the request is within reason and the scope of the tileset. (no half-frozen dragons sticking out of a glacier that the party can walk into :D )
So expect to see this on the nexus during the this weekend.

I'm not foreseeing any name changes for assets, so when this thing gets updated people could simply update from the nexus to get the new stuff, but as of today the tileset has many many things going for it.

You can see the current build in action here.

A few things to note about the tileset Video.
1. It needed some transitional zone, it was weird to go from the lush forest directly into a snowy area, so the autumn forest with rain was added (where the party starts in the video)
2. The Houses are a part of another tileset that is called Urban Town, it is and will be included but has a separate folder so its easy to skip it or just to use that one.
3. The sounds (walking on snow, walking on ice etc) where recorded by me at Snæfellsjökull glacier up here in Iceland.
4. In the beginning I was using the water-shader for Ice effect for the frozen river, but it seems that customized shaders will always need to overwrite the default ones. I didn't want that so I'm using the LOD system to transition the tiles of the water from transparent to solid, it looks to be an OK middle ground for the solution.
5. Snow and Rain particle effects are attached to the party, and can by turned off and on at will.
6. The Rope ladder assets is a winner, it works with every other tileset in the game and looks good doing it ;)

best regards.
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by MrChoke »

WOW, that is very impressive! I'm afraid to ask how many hours you have put into it. One question though, are you doing all of that with just Blender or have you upgraded to better tools?
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Re: Winter is coming

Post by Skuggasveinn »

MrChoke wrote:WOW, that is very impressive! I'm afraid to ask how many hours you have put into it. One question though, are you doing all of that with just Blender or have you upgraded to better tools?
Most of the work is Photoshop, since I'm using many of the original models, I don't even need to open the models since LoG2 has a handy materialOverrides command.

Code: Select all

model = "assets/models/env/beach_rock_spire_01.fbx",
materialOverrides = { ["forest_wall"] = "sx_winter_forest_wall", ["vegetation_atlas"] = "sx_winter_vegetation_atlas" },
This way you can re-skin even models that have multiple materials assigned to them

But all the custom 3d work is indeed done with Blender, for the animated models my pipeline is as follows.
Blender > FBX export > GrimFBX > GMT > GrimAnimConvert

as for the hours, who is counting if you are having fun :) ?
Most of the time anyway goes into trying some idea out that usually doesn't work the way I intended :P
Like last couple of evenings have resulted in this. ... s_test.jpg
Needless to say Bethesda won't be calling anytime soon :lol:

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