[MOD]Toorum's Manor

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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by bongobeat »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:I need a hint.
Level 37: The Firestaff
In the room where the 4 ogres spawn when you step on a pressure plate.
To the south, there's a glass door leading into a square room, with another glass door at the end.
How do I open the first glass door?

you have to make a "T" with walking over the place filled with straw, and never pass on the same place.

here is the room, each square is represented with a "x"
the number shows how you have to walk, in order.
D are the doors

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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by bongobeat »

sapientCrow wrote:I have to put some feedback up here before I finish the mod because it has to be said.

There are places now that you have damn near damaged my speakers and definitely from the ringing in my ears my eardrums.
The rock music for epic fights that is ear splitting and simply screeches because it is not edited and way above its proper volume is an attack on the senses.
In addition you are literally damaging the hardware on my computer.
Please remove the music or reduce the volume by a very large amount.
Or if you can post the source I will rip it out myself. Or at the very least put up a disclaimer about ear damage and speaker/headphone damage.

Maybe that was your aim?? I am perplexed...

Your Mod is masterful and epic. This music is simply horrendous and my ears are still ringing from it for the 4th time...
well I did not have problem with sound right now. Is it too loud? mhh what do you mean, does it destroy your soundcard? :shock:

here is a definition of one song (the one which you can listen by defeating the 2 yellow dragons in the level ancient chambers

Code: Select all

   name = "music_6",
   filename = "mod_assets/sounds/mus_grim_shit_acting_out.wav",
   loop = false,
   volume = 4,
   minDistance = 1,
   maxDistance = 15,
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by bongobeat »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:On level 13
There's an alcove with the text "I am red and protected".
I thought "he must mean a healing potion".

So I tried putting a "Grand Healing Potion" in the alcove, because by the time I reached level 13, I didn't have any regular healing potions left => nothing happened

It took me some time to figure out that you must put a *regular* healing potion in the alcove, a GHP will not work.
This is the kind of sloppy programming that really makes me hate a mod :x
ok, I will make it as the grand healing potion
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by bongobeat »

sapientCrow wrote:Bug:
Infinite spawning scavengers in waste disposal area.
So many that if I stay too long it crashes my game. I had to turn off collision and run out of there to escape.
Multiple crashes I had to run through walls grab the orb and then run away.
this stops the mod from being able to be finished unless you use the console and cheat yourself out of the collision.
mhhh I have never feedback of a crash in this area

and the infinite respawn is not a bug, it is intended, when you go in the north, infinite scavenger come from the south, and vice et versa

maybe I will limit the number of respawn, or delete it, what do you think?
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

bongobeat wrote:
Zo Kath Ra wrote:On level 13
There's an alcove with the text "I am red and protected".
I thought "he must mean a healing potion".

So I tried putting a "Grand Healing Potion" in the alcove, because by the time I reached level 13, I didn't have any regular healing potions left => nothing happened

It took me some time to figure out that you must put a *regular* healing potion in the alcove, a GHP will not work.
This is the kind of sloppy programming that really makes me hate a mod :x
ok, I will make it as the grand healing potion
can't you allow both?
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by sapientCrow »

maybe I will limit the number of respawn, or delete it, what do you think?
If that was in intention I would definitely say set a number of respawns then they stop.
Or if you want to go the route of some kind of infinite respawn then leave a note that makes it somewhat obvious that if I do roam around I will be destroyed utterly and make that invisible plate very noticeable as in not invisible.
Or I am not sure this can be done add a timer to the amount of time away from the place and when the timer is reached the infinite goes away.
I missed checking out 3/4 of that floor because the entire place had a scavenger in a square. It is likely that the crash came from when I turned off collision and walked through them and they keep multiplying and based on the error it tried to place something on top of something that already existed like the barrels or me. All guesses there.
I just know my save was quite a ways back and I assumed it was a bug because I could not get out of the respawn so it was literally a death that I could not reload out of.
If it was a dangerous area you were going for maybe ramp up the damage of the radiation as time goes by.
My wrist hurt so bad after killing around 100 scavengers before I finally turned off the collision.
Oh and please please please reduce the volume of the rock music on 4 or 5 of those bosses.
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by bongobeat »

sapientCrow wrote:
maybe I will limit the number of respawn, or delete it, what do you think?
If that was in intention I would definitely say set a number of respawns then they stop.
Or if you want to go the route of some kind of infinite respawn then leave a note that makes it somewhat obvious that if I do roam around I will be destroyed utterly and make that invisible plate very noticeable as in not invisible.
Or I am not sure this can be done add a timer to the amount of time away from the place and when the timer is reached the infinite goes away.
I missed checking out 3/4 of that floor because the entire place had a scavenger in a square. It is likely that the crash came from when I turned off collision and walked through them and they keep multiplying and based on the error it tried to place something on top of something that already existed like the barrels or me. All guesses there.
I just know my save was quite a ways back and I assumed it was a bug because I could not get out of the respawn so it was literally a death that I could not reload out of.
If it was a dangerous area you were going for maybe ramp up the damage of the radiation as time goes by.
My wrist hurt so bad after killing around 100 scavengers before I finally turned off the collision.
Oh and please please please reduce the volume of the rock music on 4 or 5 of those bosses.
Mhh maybe it a bug. Well, I will remove the infinite spawning and maybe raise the radiation damage. Do you have a savegame of this?

For the music, I suppose it is better to set the volume to 2 or 1. Did you see the post over? I have posted the definition of a rock music, the volume is already 4.
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by AnnElfwind »

Hi, so I'm playing this again. I got to level 7 no problem, but now I'm stuck in there where the "machines" are in the "cells". I found two solid metal keys or whatever they are and now I don¨t know how to find the rest... Found the one with the shifting walls and one in a side room. How do I open the west tunnel? There's a warden looking at me from behind teh door...
Oh, and I have a leftover brass key from one of the upper levels, but I don't care... That's not important...
Help with level 7 would be apreciated. :) Thanks.
Oh, and I have a vague memorry from previous playthrough (that got me only up to level 10), that there was a cube somwhere on this level? Is it true or is my mind playing tricks on me?
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by AnnElfwind »

Okay, I no longer need help with level 7, but! I've opened a door on level 9 using the red gem from level 10. There's a teleport and after that there are two alcoves and a grate and behind it is a key. I want (need) that key. What do I have to do do get it? Thanks.

GRR... Never mind... Figured it out... Stupid secret buttons... Why do I always figure it out only after posting here...?
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Re: [MOD]Toorum's Manor

Post by AnnElfwind »

Now seriously though. Level 11 - the section of "4 races". I can see two passageways from the 'circle of insanity', but how do I open the grates? Are there secret buttons? If yes, where exactly? I doN't really have the time to turn... Freaking teleport always eats me in the end...
Any help will be most appreciated.
I just hope I won't figure it out right after posting this (again)...
No, scratch that, I DO hope that I figure it out, but if I don't, help is wellcomed.

EDIT: Found a single rune on a wall. It doesn't seem to do anything...
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