The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by BarryBGB »

OGDA wrote:Ogre blade:
There is a wall text in front of the south room: The ogre blade.
The room and the constructions in it are the ogre blade.

The ogre has 6000 HP (if I remember correctly) and is a LVL5 monster (max).

The ogre holds the key required for leaving the level.
Got it. Thanks.
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by areyoukiddingme »

i can't seem to solve a 4 plate/4 levers puzzle in pyramid. found no clue
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by areyoukiddingme »

also forgot to ask about remains of toorum... do they ever come in handy?
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by OGDA »

The remains are not import.

The puzzle is a secret.
Further hint in the next spoiler.
Take the torches out.
Full solution in the next spoiler.
You will see a green light on the floor on a tile.
That wall is fake, go through it and activate the lever to open the gate.
The rest is just for distraction. :)
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

I'm in the pyramid, in the upper "Chambers of the servants" level.
(why are there two different levels with exactly the same name?)
I can't firgure out how to reach the items in the room with the 4x4 closed pits.
The easternmost pits always open when I step on them, and the party drops down to the level below.

There's a sign at the entrance to the room, but when I click on it, I just see an empty black square.
Is this intentional?

I can see that some of the closed pits have light falling on them from above.
Is that a hint?
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by drayko »

Very pleasant play, chats between party members are hilarious! But something worries me - slugs and wolfs and other on the surface (besides that nasty flying little things) seems to bother their waypoints more than chasing me. It is for a purpose?
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by BarryBGB »

In the Chamber of the Servants alcoves, I have
Serpent Staff, Serpent Blade, Serpent Bracer, Scepter of the Serpent Lords, Serpent Scope, Meteor Shield, and Bane.
What goes where and do I have everything? Someone mentioned earlier about the shield and bane not being labeled correctly.
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by OGDA »

@Zo Kath Ra
They are both the servant chambers hehe :)

In the northeast of the upper level there's a wall text saying something about high eagle and so on.
It's the way to walk according to the wall text on the pit room (the symbols) so that the pits don't open in the end.
So far I only found two possibilities to make sure monsters don't travel over the whole map and stay in their area (so that you don't fight all monsters at the start of the map and the rest of the map would be empty). Either blocking with shrubs or setting invisible monster blockers.

The bane and meteor shield are not relevant here. They are labeled correctly.

You need:
Serpent Blade, Serpent Staff, Bracers of the Serpent Lords (not Serpent Bracers!), Scepter of the Serpent Lords, Serpent Scope, Serpent Rock
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

OGDA wrote:@Zo Kath Ra
They are both the servant chambers hehe :)

In the northeast of the upper level there's a wall text saying something about high eagle and so on.
It's the way to walk according to the wall text on the pit room (the symbols) so that the pits don't open in the end.
Thank you! I though the high eagle, etc. wall text was one of your jokes :)
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Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Post by drayko »

I entered to the swamp and didnt find that ethereal dagger, now I cannot back to Grimforest because of wind element that blocking my way.
What words 'first and fourth will guide you' from the stone head means?
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