Legend of Grimrock 3

Talk about anything related to Legend of Grimrock 2 here.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by cnikirk »

No one else has suggested this but I actually feel the one single dungeon in Grimrock 1 was a better setup. I like the open overworld a lot, but I do miss the huge epic dungeon with many levels. The closet thing to that we have in Grimrock 2 is the ruins area. I'm fine keeping a nice big overworld, but I want at least one massive dungeon. The feeling of going deeper into a dungeon is very claustrophobic and forbidding. Just something about it. Just my two cents.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by Azel »

cnikirk wrote:No one else has suggested this but I actually feel the one single dungeon in Grimrock 1 was a better setup. I like the open overworld a lot, but I do miss the huge epic dungeon with many levels. The closet thing to that we have in Grimrock 2 is the ruins area. I'm fine keeping a nice big overworld, but I want at least one massive dungeon. The feeling of going deeper into a dungeon is very claustrophobic and forbidding. Just something about it. Just my two cents.
The undeground/indoor stuff was pretty epic (Sewers, Lexicon, Archives, Pyramid). I actually think the rooms might be bigger than in the original game. Did you use a guide when you played through LoG 2? Using Guides/Maps/Spoilers will definitely allow for a speedy play-through, making the areas feel much smaller. In LoG2 there is a ton of underwater sections to explore - both in the outside world and indoors/dungeons - so I really don't think much needs to be improved upon in the massive dungeon arena. It would start to get too repetitive I think.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by Azel »

intermitch wrote:Hi, I'm a big fan of the game.
However, I have a great sense of loneliness on this huge island.
One improvement I would like to add NPC, It put a little life and it would improve history.

I actually prefer the lonely feeling. Gives a creepy/eerie aspect to the game. Reminds me of the Myst series by Cyan, and even Clyve Barker's Undying. I'm not opposed to a future version of the game involving NPC's but then I think we'd be venturing back in to the world of Elder Scroll's. Not a bad thing, I just enjoy the uniqueness of GrimRock. I prefer its current "niche" over standard RPG expectations.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by cnikirk »

Azel wrote:
cnikirk wrote:No one else has suggested this but I actually feel the one single dungeon in Grimrock 1 was a better setup. I like the open overworld a lot, but I do miss the huge epic dungeon with many levels. The closet thing to that we have in Grimrock 2 is the ruins area. I'm fine keeping a nice big overworld, but I want at least one massive dungeon. The feeling of going deeper into a dungeon is very claustrophobic and forbidding. Just something about it. Just my two cents.
The undeground/indoor stuff was pretty epic (Sewers, Lexicon, Archives, Pyramid). I actually think the rooms might be bigger than in the original game. Did you use a guide when you played through LoG 2? Using Guides/Maps/Spoilers will definitely allow for a speedy play-through, making the areas feel much smaller. In LoG2 there is a ton of underwater sections to explore - both in the outside world and indoors/dungeons - so I really don't think much needs to be improved upon in the massive dungeon arena. It would start to get too repetitive I think.
Nope not at all and in fact I'm still playing. I'm pretty slow, but I enjoy every minute of it. I agree there were some epic parts and LOG2 is a great game, just like the DM1 feel more than anything.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by Azel »

Well you are a much better LoG fan than me cause I always play with a detailed map up on the screen of my laptop. I use a Windows 7 machine to play the game and a Mac Book to look up the maps :lol:

I just do not have the time to search every wall for a hidden switch and I absolutely hate the idea of missing something in this freakin game.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by okamiyazaki »

Something I would really like to see is further improvement of environments. I did like the extremely long dungeon in Grimrock 1 but I feel like the dungeons were sufficiently deep enough in 2 and the outdoor area made up for it.

When I say improvements for environments - I mean more uniqueness, more tilesets, and more vistas that make you go 'wow', like Castle Nex did for me when I first saw it. For example, in the Grimrock 2 dungeons, there wasn't (for the most part) anything too special at the end of most of them and they were fairly repetitive after a while. I was bored with the Ruins of Desarune about halfway in. I would like to see something such as a cave that turns into a ruin, then opens up into some massive chamber with buildings, or goes into some secret outdoor area, etc. That's always really fun to me- delving into dungeons and finding incredible things within, besides more stone walls and loot. Demons, dragons, lost cities, etc.

I think they could add some more unique boss fights too. There were many fun bosses in Grimrock 2 but there could have been more. I like creative fights with traps or even puzzles being a part of the fight.

And of course I'm hoping for more classes and abilities, maybe new races.

I would love for them to use the same composers... The music was incredible.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by Rithrin »

okamiyazaki wrote:Something I would really like to see is further improvement of environments. I did like the extremely long dungeon in Grimrock 1 but I feel like the dungeons were sufficiently deep enough in 2 and the outdoor area made up for it.

When I say improvements for environments - I mean more uniqueness, more tilesets, and more vistas that make you go 'wow', like Castle Nex did for me when I first saw it. For example, in the Grimrock 2 dungeons, there wasn't (for the most part) anything too special at the end of most of them and they were fairly repetitive after a while. I was bored with the Ruins of Desarune about halfway in. I would like to see something such as a cave that turns into a ruin, then opens up into some massive chamber with buildings, or goes into some secret outdoor area, etc. That's always really fun to me- delving into dungeons and finding incredible things within, besides more stone walls and loot. Demons, dragons, lost cities, etc.

I think they could add some more unique boss fights too. There were many fun bosses in Grimrock 2 but there could have been more. I like creative fights with traps or even puzzles being a part of the fight.

And of course I'm hoping for more classes and abilities, maybe new races.

I would love for them to use the same composers... The music was incredible.
I think they could find a pretty good solution that satisfies those who preferred LoG1's gigantic dungeon style and those who preferred LoG2's varied environments/open world in a sort of Underdark style module. For Grimrock 3, you could become trapped underground somehow. The party would always be underground, in caves, which lead to abandoned subterranean cities, mushroom forests, claustrophobic caves with tight passageways, or wide open chasms filled with lakes. That's definitely an environment that I'd love to explore.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by Azel »

It's entirely possible that a future release of Grimrock could contain a world that never ends. We could extend the Island Master concept to a world where even after the game has been "beaten" and the main campaign complete, the player can continue to explore an endless underground labyrinth and/or an endless above-ground continent. Similar to the Elder Scrolls Arena (the games algorithm always generated new areas and dungeons no matter how far you walked on the map).

I'd pay double for that game :P
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by vlzvl »

It's entirely possible that a future release of Grimrock could contain a world that never ends. We could extend the Island Master concept to a world where even after the game has been "beaten" and the main campaign complete, the player can continue to explore an endless underground labyrinth and/or an endless above-ground continent.
I agree on this but only if LoG2 was a lot more open and filled with, you know, people, cities and life!
One can create of course an endless game, a Dungeon Hack clone, full of catacombs but this actually isn't so interesting as long characters have a finite level of advancement.
With a world filled with life, stories and the feeling you're special on it, this could work a lot better but i sense not so good on an Isle. My opinion.
This is why MMO (the really endless CRPGs out there) having such success; they're based on a lively world.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Post by Karinas23 »

okamiyazaki wrote: I was bored with the Ruins of Desarune about halfway in. I would like to see something such as a cave that turns into a ruin, then opens up into some massive chamber with buildings, or goes into some secret outdoor area, etc. That's always really fun to me- delving into dungeons and finding incredible things within,

the map im making has an underground city and several areas in the world link into a giant dark underworld that exists beneath most of the world ;p
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