Hi. Yes Thom I agree with you. If the authors don't mind I will convert the tile sets over if not then ill stop. I for 1 love all the sets from LOG 1 and want them in my mod, but if someone says no then so be it ahy
Ill start the work on the Mine Set regardless until they say no man you cant do it, or the Sx Tile set. I am not here to steal anyones work and take no creds for it, ill just make it converted for others that's all and give the creds to the kakers ahy

I would like to convert all the extra monster's that Leki etc.. made but don't no how to..
If there are any probs then as the Gods have said, STOP YOU!! ILL WASTE NO MORE TIME ON YOU...
EDIT: WAIT...... tschrage its you..... OMG I rem you.... you did some awesome work in log 1... Wow thxs fro the advice man...