Princes of Pale Moon

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Princes of Pale Moon

Post by Echoplex »

Partake in this story driven adventure and join four travelers as they are conscripted by the King and forced to enter the Pale Moon Forest in search of the lost Princes. Discover haunted forests, deadly catacombs and the mysterious castle to learn more about the King's mission, his sons and the mystery of the Pale Moon Forest itself.

-- Gameplay

Levels Playable 15/15
Approximate Play Time: 4-8 hours
Recommended Difficulty: Normal

-- Tunning

Normal Difficulty with Fresh Standard Party
Hard Difficulty with Imported Party

-- Author's Note

The full campagin has been officially released. If you have feedback or find any breaks and/or bugs please leave feedback or message me so I can address. I've had a wonderful time creating this mod and I hope folks enjoy it as much as I have. I also want to give a big shout out and thank you to the friendly crew over at the Grimrock 2 Mod Creation Forum as well as Skuggasveinn for his excellent tutorials! Thank you and enjoy

Steam link: ... =337481228
Last edited by Echoplex on Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Princes of Pale Moon

Post by Echoplex »

Just wanted to throw it out there two more levels were introduced today. The mod is now up to 8 complete levels with at least 3 more on the way putting this close to three hours playtime. If anyone is interested please check it out and leave feedback. Thanks and have fun.
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Re: [WIP] Princes of Pale Moon

Post by RMariano »

Echoplex wrote:Just wanted to throw it out there two more levels were introduced today. The mod is now up to 8 complete levels with at least 3 more on the way putting this close to three hours playtime. If anyone is interested please check it out and leave feedback. Thanks and have fun.

Just killed the Prince (took forever) used the three levers and pushed the button, gate went up I stepped out and it crashed.

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Re: [WIP] Princes of Pale Moon

Post by Echoplex »

Ha I didn't figure players would attempt to try and kill the Prince the first encounter. I guess it wasn't clear or difficult enough and if you killed him it broke part of the script. Ill try and clean that up thanks. In the mean time you could try what was intended and solve the puzzle to get out for a better experience :D

*Edit This loop has been fixed. If you want to stick around and kill him you can and it wont crash. Ill even toss in something for your trouble. Thanks Rmariano
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Re: [WIP] Princes of Pale Moon

Post by RMariano »

My pleasure to help. thank you!!

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Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Post by Echoplex »

This mod has been updated with the complete build. The entire mod is now ready for folks to dive into. Enjoy!
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Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Post by minmay »

Any chance you could upload to Nexus? I don't feel like downloading an extra 1GB just so Steam will let me download it.

edit: oh exists. my search engine skills are lacking lately
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Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Post by Curak »

Hey there, grabbed your mod last night and put alot of time into it today, made it to the end-ish. But got stuck on a fight and then it crashed, have not finished it up yet.

Bugs: Your exp for finding the master's tower can re-trigger infitely
Texture issues (walls and pillars clipping through one another) inside the secret in the first crypt in the first multi-level area
Game crash on a end-game boss fight when stepping on the entrance tile with just one of the 3 bosses still alive
You can fall out of the arena on the same boss fight, down into the area with the unusable crystals

Pros: I like your atmosphere, you only give out one torch (that I found) but you had alot of fun with lighting
Engaging story, was fun to read the history on the walls
Pretty well balanced for most of the progression, though the bosses are kinda rough

Cons: Sling comes into the game a little bit late, and your other ranged weapons are in a wonky order, found a shortbow long after a crossbow
At the end of the story I only had the whitewood wand as a caster item, though I assume there was atleast one more in a gold key reward
You can see through walls on the map in several places, notably you can see the passage you unlock when you return to the crypt (I spent a while looking for more buttons)
Gold key rewards: first set in the cemetery was fine, I even went back for one with my second gold key (found 3) BUT the later set was way overly rewarding, and I felt cheated that I had used my keys on the earlier ones.
Ran out of food by the end of the game, some people view this as part of the challenge but its mostly just frustrating since there is no heads up about limited food.

The master with 2 princes went invincible after i killed the princes and I could not finish the fight, are you supposed to somehow visit the conduit in his tower before hand?
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Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Post by Echoplex »

Thanks Curak for the extensive list of pros cons and bugs. Amazing after all my countless playthroughs(from start to finish) things are still missed. A new build will be published tonight thank you. My replies in Red

Bugs: Your exp for finding the master's tower can re-trigger infitely FIXED
Texture issues (walls and pillars clipping through one another) inside the secret in the first crypt in the first multi-level area Engine/Driver issue. No overlapping entities
Game crash on a end-game boss fight when stepping on the entrance tile with just one of the 3 bosses still alive FIXED
You can fall out of the arena on the same boss fight, down into the area with the unusable crystals FIXED

Pros: I like your atmosphere, you only give out one torch (that I found) but you had alot of fun with lighting. WHAT I missed one!!! FIXED. Yes I did have fun with the lighting and I hope folks took notice of the atmosphere I tried to create. Thank you for noticing!
Engaging story, was fun to read the history on the walls. Excellent! I was pretty surprised more modders don't incorporate story into their mods. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Pretty well balanced for most of the progression, though the bosses are kinda rough. Yes they are! I made multiple passes around their balance but certainly erred on the difficult side. I wanted folks to sigh in relief after they were done as a sense of accomplishment. I realize not everyone will feel that way and that's fine but there was a sense of direction attached similarly with the health and food amounts.

Cons: Sling comes into the game a little bit late, and your other ranged weapons are in a wonky order, found a shortbow long after a crossbow FIXED
At the end of the story I only had the whitewood wand as a caster item, though I assume there was atleast one more in a gold key reward Other options available
You can see through walls on the map in several places, notably you can see the passage you unlock when you return to the crypt (I spent a while looking for more buttons) Wasn't able to identify. Where exactly was this? Ive been running all over the catacombs opening walls trying to replicate.
Gold key rewards: first set in the cemetery was fine, I even went back for one with my second gold key (found 3) BUT the later set was way overly rewarding, and I felt cheated that I had used my keys on the earlier ones. This was intentional as I the player should have good gear at that point I.e. Valor/ Mirror / Archmage. The game was tuned with only 1 key for the last set of rewards. Sorry you walked away cheated.
Ran out of food by the end of the game, some people view this as part of the challenge but its mostly just frustrating since there is no heads up about limited food. I'll see about adding a couple pieces in. I didn't have the issue through play testing which took 4 hours and some change. If folks take longer it could see it causing an issue.
The master with 2 princes went invincible after i killed the princes and I could not finish the fight, are you supposed to somehow visit the conduit in his tower before hand? Are you sure Krell didnt cast shield? When he does, it absorbs a specific amount of damage and will show 0 until broken exactly how it is in the main story. The kill order has no bearing on if you can wound him or not. You can however just kill Krell which will kill off the princes instantly.
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Re: Princes of Pale Moon

Post by Curak »

Finished it.

I'll try and get a screenshot up of the mapping issue. I think my running out of food stemmed from trying to find my way into someplace I couldn't reach yet, wasted a good while looking for another button.

Edit- Oh another Bug/Item issue: Fire and Lightning arrows are not usable in Grimrock 2, they do not count as ammo for the bow, so you can never revert them to normal arrows either.
The master was casting shield over and over when out of my sight, took a while but I killed him this morning, had 3 people starving by then but I had enough potions so it didn't matter
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