Managed to limp through house of needles on my new party though. That's something, right?
In the editor on the top right there is a button 'Spoiler'. If you mark a text and hit this button you get the text hidden. Alternativly you can tag it yourself if you type [*spoiler] before the hidden text and [*/spoiler] after it (but be sure to not type the *pincaviglia86 wrote:...I need someone on the forum to tell me how to make a "HIDDEN" spoiler, in which I can put the info. ...
No problempincaviglia86 wrote:...
Thank you phillip_lynx for your help. I edited my post with paragraphs and added hidden spoilers. I just wanted to help folks get through some difficult timed puzzles and enjoy more of this very good game.
In a single player game, cheating is never bad if the player himself feels alright with it. Who am I to tell you how you should enjoy your game.pincaviglia86 wrote:
Now, before I get bombarded with all the "cheating is bad" spears...if you are like me, and do not have the reflexes, but do not want to just trash can the game...then this is something you should think about using. This code does not give you any powers or abilities, so it, in some sense of the word, is really not a cheat, so much as an Easter egg or a way to exploit the game itself.