Thorham wrote:You can achieve smaller reaoltions via grimrock.cfg and windowed mode e.g. 800 x 600
Sure, but it wasn't necessary. And 800x600 My computer may be low end, but it plays Skyrim properly. Not in ultra, of course, but still. The game played fine until the patch.
Thorham wrote:Sure, but it wasn't necessary. And 800x600 My computer may be low end, but it plays Skyrim properly. Not in ultra, of course, but still. The game played fine until the patch.
That's the strange part here. The game played fine for you up until 2.1.13 and AH added no performance updates for both 2.1.17 and 2.1.18; at least none are listed.
I assume you did not update any drivers.
A quick list of your system (CPU, GPU, RAM, swapfile size) would help to estimate what performance you should see.
Is the problem present in all outdoor areas; perhaps even from the start cage? What's your fps right there?
What fps do you see at one of the toughest spots in the game: enter Forgotten River from Twigroot Forest and look East.
Recinded (bug was file corruption, verifying files on steam fixed it)
Ok so I broke game logic just now. In the ruins of desarune you can walk to the crystal room withought entering the first puzzle room. Jump down the pit and you exit into the first puzzle without setting off the first triggers rendering the room unsolvable.
Also I have had a performance drop while outdoors, like having my settings on low is lying to me.
Last edited by Nexus on Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
minmay wrote:That doesn't render the puzzle unsolvable. I've solved it doing exactly that.
Without having opened the door in the first place? Because that appears to be the trigger, if you dont hit the lever and go in via pit the first door cannot be opened from the inside and the second door won't open when the puzzle is solved.
I went down the pit, stepped on the plate to teleport the spider upstairs, stepped on the upstairs plate to drop the spider on the other plate, then went pack up and dropped items down the 3 pits. The door out opened as normal.
Last edited by minmay on Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
minmay wrote:Yes, without opening the entrance door. [...] The door out opened as normal.
I can confirm that I have also done it this way. Watch out with the spoilers though. Could it be that you completed the wrong puzzle to open the door or that you reset the right puzzle without noticing, Nexus?
So I loaded up the save again, and even compared it to doing it with lever pulling, it seems that it is breaking, but from what you say it is only on my end. I guess it is time to get steam to verify my files... I shall report back next month when it has finished... damnit steam.
Thorham wrote:The game has become completely unplayable in outside areas. In spots with some view distance moving takes a second per tile. Was working before. Any way to use older patches with the Steam version?
I also noticed a drop in performance while outdoors, i got an improvement by putting all the settings on high, running around for 15 seconds then switching it back to low. I also killed the steam overlay and that bought me maybe 5 fps.
Dunno if it helps, but you arent the only one to notice a performance change.
Oh yeah i just remembered, i saw a crowern(?) flying at the north end of forgotten river fly into the rock where the underwater transition is, it then went one tile left and came back over the river(at wich point i shot it).
badhabit wrote:Yes, they do, as they have to learn the spells.
No, they don't, because you don't learn spells in DM and CSB. Characters have a high enough wizard or priest level to cast a particular spell consistently, or you get cast failures (higher wisdom stat helps a bit).
Hmmm... that's not completely as I remember it: as far as I remember you had a pretty high fizzle chance at first time usage of a spell (and even higher with higher strength runes) which got better by just training this specific spell by retrying, the chance got better. Even without a wizard/priest level gain in between... but maybe my memory is wrong here.