1. I´d like to clone object forest_oak_cluster just with some offset (it will be placed outside the map -it should be done with offset parameter)
SOLVED by Doridion
Code: Select all
name = "Oak_test",
base_object = "forest_oak_cluster",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "assets/models/env/forest_oak_cluster.fbx",
-- Give the offset that you want :D
offset = vec(0,0,0,0),
placement = "floor",
editorIcon = 168,
SOLVED by Prozail
orRemove hook conneted to script with
Code: Select all
function stopRemove(sender)
SOLVED by Doridion
Code: Select all
name = "user_water_surface",
base_object = "water_surface",
components = {
class = "WaterSurface",
fogColor = vec(0.021,0.045,0.13,0),
fogDensity = 0.2,
-- There you'll have to modify by -1.4 or 1.4, as you wish
planeY = -0.4,
reflectionColor = vec(0.693,0.81,0.9,0),
refractionColor = vec(1,1,1,0),
class = "WaterSurfaceMesh",
material = "water_surface_calm",
underwaterMaterial = "water_surface_underwater",
placement = "floor",
editorIcon = 264,
SOLVED - replied by ninjanerdbgm, cromcrom
Place a floor_trigger where you want the party to dig. Make it only triggerable by digging and tick "disableSelf".
Have it point to a script that's also on top of the dig location with the following code:
Code: Select all
items = {"dagger","rapier","leather_cap","leather_cuisse","note","letter"} -- as many items as you want.
function digRandomStuff()
local item = math.random(1,#items) -- The second number is the amount of items in the list.
item = items[item]
local j = self.go:spawn(item)
hudPrint("You found a "..j.item:getUiName().."!")
-- If you need to define component parameters for your items...
if item == "note" then j.scrollitem:setScrollText("I am a note!") end
if item == "letter" then j.scrollitem:setScrollText("I am a letter!") end
-- If you want to give the party a bonus for finding the items...
hudPrint("Gain 250 xp!")
for i=1,4 do