Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Another point to consider: you can easily apply static offsets to model components, if you like, by using the "offset" property in model component's definition.
Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Thank you for all of the ideas. These are all really good ideas, but I've actually had some success importing models with Blender and John's Grimrock Model Toolkit - perhaps unfortunately! This is really fun and it's putting me behind on my scripting duties. Heck, I've even way behind on the forums. Has anyone discovered a list of "textures" you can apply to things. At least I think I'm using the right words. I only know about "dungeon_bricks_01" from Skuggasveinn's tutorials. Here's a little success I've had.
I also want to know if my railing can be defined in such a way that you can't pass through it from either side nor attach through it. I have the passing through part working (with scripting) for the party, but not for a monster. I'd like Mr. Snail here to be able to get closer to the railing and not stick his head through my new graphics. I thought I could put a blocker for monsters on my side and an invisible wall on his side, but it looks like invisible walls block everyone and blockers for monsters don't keep them from attacking you if you're standing on one. Hummm... this would probably do better in another thread, but darn it all! I'm just so excited!!
Look at the time! Off to bed for me now. What fun! -Lark


Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
All the impassable thin walls seem to have the 'door' property. Pedestals have an impassable property and a property that allows projectiles to pass overhead.Lark wrote: I also want to know if my railing can be defined in such a way that you can't pass through it from either side nor attach through it.
Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Thanks Jackard! Pedestal is probably the right way to do it so I'll try that next. I actually got it working with door - probably the wrong way! If you use a door model, then apparently you have to have a gate node in your model. So I renamed the railing itself to gate and it worked without printing an error message. However, projectiles wouldn't pass over it. So... I renamed the root node to gate and the railing to railing... and it worked! Neither the party nor monsters can pass through, but projectiles fly over with ease! I can only surmise that something checked the location of the gate node and decided it shouldn't block projectiles. Isn't that cool and/or strange? I'm not sure that's behavior I could count on, so pedestal it is.
Thanks Jackard. -Lark
Thanks Jackard. -Lark
Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Since you are already familiar with this, how would I make a custom object that is a combination of dungeon_wall_open and a pedestal ?
It seems like the former should already have come with the impassable and projectile properties of the latter.
It seems like the former should already have come with the impassable and projectile properties of the latter.
Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Hey Lark, is this mostly for walls ? I'm a setWorldPosition addict too, and I'm carefully placing my lamps and mushrooms all over the place. 
I just tested in game and all those items arent being reset when I save and reload.

I just tested in game and all those items arent being reset when I save and reload.
Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Hello Blob,
See Petri's first post in this thread. I've only found that wall positions aren't saved and Petri gave two ways to keep them where you want them. I haven't really worked on it from the setWorldPosition() perspective lately - I've gotten lost in 3D modeling land. Not that I know what I'm doing. Heck, a week ago, I wouldn't have even known where to start. Now, I have a few basic models in-game that I did from scratch and some other free models altered and imported!
Sorry Jackard,
I've simply not tried the pedestal definition yet... it's on the list as it's probably the right way to do it, but defining a new model with a gate node and defining it as a door works fine for my model tests. My brain is warped out on modeling, exporting DXT5 formats, Blender, Gimp, and trying to figure out how to swap my red and alpha channels to finally get a good normal map! A week ago, all of that would have been Greek! I'll post here and/or PM you when I get around to defining it right.
Take care all, -Lark
NutJob, we miss you! Please come back...
See Petri's first post in this thread. I've only found that wall positions aren't saved and Petri gave two ways to keep them where you want them. I haven't really worked on it from the setWorldPosition() perspective lately - I've gotten lost in 3D modeling land. Not that I know what I'm doing. Heck, a week ago, I wouldn't have even known where to start. Now, I have a few basic models in-game that I did from scratch and some other free models altered and imported!
Sorry Jackard,
I've simply not tried the pedestal definition yet... it's on the list as it's probably the right way to do it, but defining a new model with a gate node and defining it as a door works fine for my model tests. My brain is warped out on modeling, exporting DXT5 formats, Blender, Gimp, and trying to figure out how to swap my red and alpha channels to finally get a good normal map! A week ago, all of that would have been Greek! I'll post here and/or PM you when I get around to defining it right.
Take care all, -Lark
NutJob, we miss you! Please come back...

Re: Moved Walls Don't Stay Put Across Restore
Thanks Lark, just wanted to check you hadn't seen it happen on that. From my tests those smalls objects save those states 
Congratz in getting into 3D stuff, the initial wall is pretty big but once you pass it it's pretty fun! You don't sound frustrated after a week focusing on that, it's a good sign.

Congratz in getting into 3D stuff, the initial wall is pretty big but once you pass it it's pretty fun! You don't sound frustrated after a week focusing on that, it's a good sign.