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Post by Faerghail »


Is there a way to make forcefields that block party to enter from top ? I can do that by placing a magic bridge on top of the forcefield and desactivate the visual of the magic bridge ,but i Wonder if there is an easiest way .

If there is no other way , is it possible to join the 2 entities (forcefield + magic bridge) and make 1 new entitie that contains the 2 others ?


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Re: Forcefields

Post by NutJob »

I used the portal entity to simulate a forcefield-like event. Something like this? The teleporter fog/sparkle particles could be removed, as well as the sound replaced with other ones. The portal could be faintly glowing as well as an indicator that it's there (though currently just leaving the teleporter particles in for a visual, instead).

Also, the simulated "knockback" effect can be just one square as well (instead of two). I'm just teleporting the party in actuality but more functionality can be easily added (damaging the party, damaging only those in the front positions, glow to signify the way is blocked, camera shake, dropped weapons, uncooked food becomes cooked (lol), echo narrative, etc). Imagination the only limitation.
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Re: Forcefields

Post by Faerghail »

Not sure it works in my case, what i want is the party can walk on the forcefield
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Re: Forcefields

Post by NutJob »

Faerghail wrote:Not sure it works in my case, what i want is the party can walk on the forcefield
I see! I think my ADHD got the better of me.
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Re: Forcefields

Post by blob »

I want to make the same thing except I 'd likethe forcefield spell to also create walkable forcefields by default...
I'll update you when I make some progress.
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