Fighting the same enemy (think of a crab here) can still be either "no chance" (cornered) or "no challenge" (2x2 dancefloor). Character building is rather redundant in either scenario. I'd like to see the extremes brought closer together. That way character building would feel more rewarding and the monsters would make more sense logically.
Accuracy and Evasion both start at 0 and accuracy is far easier to raise than evasion. It's just hard to understand. What if accuracy (which is an odd term for melee weapons) had a base value of 50 and Evasion would start at 0? That way you would have some idea of your hit chance. Accuracy 0 sounds like you will never hit anything but Accuracy 60 easily translates into 60% hit chance minus enemy Evasion.
Player and enemy HP could also be comparable. Right now it seems like the enemies have 10x the HP. Your own HP/Armor is what you compare your damage rating to and it's pretty scary seeing you would basically one hit yourself. Player damage doesn't have to scale as much as it does now, rather keep the enemy HP at a comparable level.
Starting stats could also have a bigger impact on character development.
There could be an option to invest in a Perception skill that would help detect secret buttons or give hints about them. Perception could also give a critical chance bonus so it wouldn't gimp the character horribly. It's an RPG after all and special skills not only give flavour to characters but in this case would ease player tedium. It shouldn't be an auto detect but if you walk past something a few times it should have a good chance of helping.
A lot more spells are needed to make casters fun. Walls, runes, teleport to runes, stuns, confusion, holds, levitate into pits, summons, illusions, mind control, disintegrate, petrify, buff, breathe under water... and less forced skill combinations like Fire/Air or Ice/Air are now. Elemental combos should be reserved for something special and spectacular instead of basics like Fireball. (This should've been nr. 1 on the list.)
Adds replayability!