I've stood in this rock circle and need to call a guardian. Threw rocks, pounded on door with bone, searched for hidden buttons.... HELP ! How can I get this guy's
attention ?
Beginner stumped already lol ( circle of rocks )
Re: Beginner stumped already lol ( circle of rocks )
You should explore the rest of the area first. Maybe you find something that helps you.
Re: Beginner stumped already lol ( circle of rocks )
FireBall wrote:I've stood in this rock circle and need to call a guardian. Threw rocks, pounded on door with bone, searched for hidden buttons.... HELP ! How can I get this guy's
attention ?
Well, back long long ago during the times of Swords and Arrows, there were no cellphones to use to call for help. However, they did use a Horn to call for stuff
Re: Beginner stumped already lol ( circle of rocks )
Ahaaaa ! So THAT's what that "Horn of Summoning is for ? " Thank you, I finally figured out a bit more exploring was in order and did find it down in the dungeon.
Only took me an hour to wise up. Heehee.
Only took me an hour to wise up. Heehee.
Re: Beginner stumped already lol ( circle of rocks )
And, by the way, those darn trees killed 2 of my team before I chopped them. Thank goodness for the blue crystal, eh ?
Re: Beginner stumped already lol ( circle of rocks )
Oh dear - I have a feeling you're going to be giving up on this game pretty quickly.