I have one problem : I have rouge in my team, he have 16 dex as I remember. His main weapon is a dagger bu... with this dagger equiped I cant hit anyone, my rouge always miss. If I gave him a spear or sword he can hit monsters but I wanna make him assasin, not warrior with sword. What Im missing? He have high precision so I dont have solution for this... I think this is not range problem because I got "miss" message not "out of range".
Zaboleq wrote:Hello Girls and Guys and Almost Human
I have one problem : I have rouge in my team, he have 16 dex as I remember. His main weapon is a dagger bu... with this dagger equiped I cant hit anyone, my rouge always miss. If I gave him a spear or sword he can hit monsters but I wanna make him assasin, not warrior with sword. What Im missing? He have high precision so I dont have solution for this... I think this is not range problem because I got "miss" message not "out of range".
Only persons in front row of your group can use melee weapons. Thus if you place your rogue behind your fighters, you have to use ranged weapons with it. And yes, I think it shows miss if you put it behind your fighters and try to use melee weapon.
just to add to this, if you build up your assassin skill you will be able to use daggers from the back row, so just use a ranged until then since it will let the rogue gain xp