Geordyjones wrote:Let me ask you this: do you consider an all-Rogue party overpowered? (Because you mentioned it in your first post.) Im currently on my first playthrough with this party and im struggling a lot. Maybe the uberness will come with time, hehe.
At some point it was was discussed if the all-Rouge party was OP, I can't remember everything
Oh, they are all melee rogues .. well then depending on your weapon skill choice (Dagger or Unarmed) you might face some equipment shortage; AFAIR there are 5 daggers in total. LoG is made with players in mind that use different classes and skill selections.
This equipment "shortage" can also hits other setups going similar roads like an all mage party:
I found the top damage dealers to be in fact an all rogue party:
Just in case you still accidentally click that dreaded red "X": run LoG in "Borderless" mode
Hey disaster! The red "X" is the bane of my existance! How did you know? I will definitely try the borderless mode next time, thanks for the advice!
Im a little concerned about your all-rogue party being all ranged. I have exactly one missile weapon gal in my group. I have a baaaad feeling about this... Also holding your shield in the right hand - thats unnatural, man!
Well i just took a look into your video with you hitting the red "X" 5 times in a row. That was damn hilarious so I thought "I really need to save this guy before he goes nuts"
Of course going with an all ranged party (be it weapons, magic or both) suggests that you know what you are doing, not adviceable for somebody who's playing for the first time. For example shields don't block stuff, they only add to your Evasion total. My front row rogue with the torch has only 3 less Evasion than his friend with the shield so it's no real drawback.
About holding stuff:
I prefer short mouse paths and since left and right hands are equal i place the active weapons towards the middle of the UI