Nortwest Room in Catacombs

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Nortwest Room in Catacombs

Post by Alziel »

Hi all - I'm pulling my hair out trying to work out how to open the door to the room in the North West area of the catacombs.
It's the large room with ten pressure pads - five on either side of bars. There's a helm, bomb and crossbow on three of the pads on the side of the bars that I can't get to. It's driving me mad! I've cleared everything in the game so far with the exception of the castle which I am ready to enter - but I refuse to do so until I've completed the catacombs. I must be missing something glaringly obvious because I've seen no other posts asking about this and I can't seem to find any video walkthroughs either.
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Nortwest Room in Catacombs

Post by minmay »

You need to "mirror" the pattern by placing items on the 3 plates that are directly across from the plates with the helm, bomb and crossbow.
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Re: Nortwest Room in Catacombs

Post by Alziel »

Thank you - now I feel stupid! I know I thought about that as a solution and I was absolutely sure that I'd done that at least three times - but obviously not. I just tried it and it worked. Not really worth the effort when I have a Level 13 party but it's nice to know that the Catacombs are now cleared. :mrgreen:
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