[Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

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[Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by Riz »

Scenario: My barbarian’s dying. I press “1”(or click on his portrait) and look for my healing potion.
Opps my knight is now dying. I heal my barbarian and, damn it, where did that ghoul come from. Now my wizard’s (back row) dying. I click on my knight’s portrait, where is his healing potion, opps too late, he’s dead. Now where is that res potion. Opps my wizard’s dead.
Sigh. Has this happened to you?

Suggestion: Press-Hold Space Bar. The Right Hand and Left Hand Slots are now gone, replaced by 6 smaller boxes. These boxes are potion/crystal slots. Gamers will fill these slots with potions/crystals before, or during, battle with 6 potions/crystals of their choice. Heal up, then release Space Bar and back to battle.

Your tanks geting ripped apart?
Press-Hold Space Bar, (click P1 healing potion), (click P2 healing potion), Release Space Bar

Your wizards’ energy depleted.
Press-Hold Space Bar, (click P3 energy potion) ,(click P4 energy potion), Release Space Bar

Your party just got hit with a Fireball and now the Boss is in your face?
Press-Hold Space Bar ,(click)(click)(click)(click) on everyones healing potions
(click P1 bear potion) (click P1 speed potion) (click P2 bear potion) (click P2 speed potion)
Release Space Bar
BAM! YOUR ASS IS MINE! :twisted:

The current system is silly. Its like those slasher movie; lady is in the car park. Someone is after her. She runs to her car, reaches it, start look for her car keys, lost in her handbag. Finds it. Aww too late. Slash slash. Game over dude! I mean, lady!

Us guys no problem. Reaches into pocket. Remote unlock, get in car and use it as a weapon on the silly knife wielding slasher stalker.

If I was the actual character in the game, my whole part will have a 6 slot potion pouch attached to my waist belt. Got hit? Use right hand to take potion from pouch on my left side of the waist, uncork bottle(I always envisioned the potions to be that small) with thumb, gulp down potion and im good to go.

As it is, I get hit, click on individual portrait (or press the respective number) to look at backpack, find potion then click on it, opps too late, just like that lady looking for her keys.

Also whats up with smudging the health bar when damaged by enemy? Cant you do it on the character portrait instead? Sheesh. How am I to know when to heal?

Other than that loved the game, just finished hard ironman mode :D

Re: [Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by Ixnatifual »

I just always place my healing potions in the corner of each character's inventory so I always know where it is and can click it fast.
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: [Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by Sir Tawmis »

Ixnatifual wrote:I just always place my healing potions in the corner of each character's inventory so I always know where it is and can click it fast.
This is exactly what I do, as well. Bottom left corner for me.
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Re: [Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by Lostedge »

You can equip the healing potions to your secondary hand slots. They could add some quick buttons for each character ... for example a shared slot and item in that slot would be used by pressing 1-4 depending on the position he was.
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Re: [Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by Riz »

Ixnatifual wrote:I just always place my healing potions in the corner of each character's inventory so I always know where it is and can click it fast.
Yes thats what i do too
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Re: [Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by Riz »

Lostedge wrote:You can equip the healing potions to your secondary hand slots. They could add some quick buttons for each character ... for example a shared slot and item in that slot would be used by pressing 1-4 depending on the position he was.
The potion will then share the same cooldown as your weapon. So if you just use Bane and need to heal, you cant from your hand slots
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Re: [Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by badhabit »

Riz wrote:
Lostedge wrote:You can equip the healing potions to your secondary hand slots. They could add some quick buttons for each character ... for example a shared slot and item in that slot would be used by pressing 1-4 depending on the position he was.
The potion will then share the same cooldown as your weapon. So if you just use Bane and need to heal, you cant from your hand slots
You mean they don't if you drink directly form inventory? ....Buuuugggg. (Or is the opening & fiddeling with the bag meant as "cooldown" substitute?)
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Re: [Suggestion] How to improve combat drastically

Post by Rithrin »

badhabit wrote:
Riz wrote:
Lostedge wrote:You can equip the healing potions to your secondary hand slots. They could add some quick buttons for each character ... for example a shared slot and item in that slot would be used by pressing 1-4 depending on the position he was.
The potion will then share the same cooldown as your weapon. So if you just use Bane and need to heal, you cant from your hand slots
You mean they don't if you drink directly form inventory? ....Buuuugggg. (Or is the opening & fiddeling with the bag meant as "cooldown" substitute?)
That's how it was in LoG1, too. Pretty sure the devs are rewarding you for the fiddly manual micromanagement of your inventory. You can also throw bombs instantly without any cooldown directly from the inventory. The only delay is how long it takes you to shift+click another bomb.
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