What does 'Path of the Eagle' mean?

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What does 'Path of the Eagle' mean?

Post by Jedyte »

I'm stuck somewhere in the Archives. There is a room with some flying monsters, and a lower area with green slimes. If you follow a few ladders you end up in a higher area just above the doorway you came in. There is a sign saying "Path of the Eagle" or something similar. What do you have to do here?

I've tried throwing Throwing Weapons to all the walls I could reach, thinking they can "fly", because there were some shuriken, but that wasn't it.
Dropping down serves no purpose either. There is one platform you can reach only this way, but it doesn't lead anywhere.

Any help is appreciated.
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Re: What does 'Path of the Eagle' mean?

Post by bleh_ »

Be brave, have faith and fly!
If that doesn't help:
You can walk through the air
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Re: What does 'Path of the Eagle' mean?

Post by Jedyte »

Really? I though I tried that... Alright, thanks, I'll give it another go!
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Re: What does 'Path of the Eagle' mean?

Post by Ichthyic »

follow the highest path always. look down, and always stay where you would fall 2 levels instead of one.

spoiler for way back...
the way back is a bit trickier; notice the floor tiles are made of different materials...
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Re: What does 'Path of the Eagle' mean?

Post by Intruder313 »

Odd, I assumed it meant this right from the start but whenever I walked off the edge I just plummeted like a stone...

Will try again!
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