This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck in Grimrock 2 or if you want to discuss about the mysteries of the Isle of Nex. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
Anyway good work on hexediting but I would consider the puzzle only 50% cracked if you got to the end without really understanding how.
No, but I can't help to be slightly disappointed by the last secret in the otherwise amazing game. I will however note that this is the "gameplay hints (aka spoilers)" forum. Whether you read the solution online or straight from the game code is hardly any different.
Last edited by syllogism on Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
petri wrote:If you'd have solved the puzzle, would you still have the same view on the secret? We can never know.
The puzzle itself is fine, but why make the player take frame by frame screencaps from the ending cinematic (except for the apparent omission that you have to dig 3 times)? Why not just put it in the game? Makes it more an easter egg than a puzzle.
I'm glad I didn't spoil this too much. Someone told me to beat the end of the game a few more times, after only beating it one more time I instantly realized it was in the book (I wouldn't have ever thought of looking in the book). It was actually quite simple to translate since you can look up a list of levels from Legend of Grimrock 1 and since each symbol represented a letter in the alphabet. I thought it was very clever putting the last secret in the last scene plus making it so connected to the first game. Then after translating it, you get another hint to decode instead of just the answer, really making you work for it. Absolutely amazing job in my opinion, I was so enthused trying to solve the whole thing. My only wish is that the relic served some purpose, like if it was a secret secret last boss, that would have been absolutely amazing!
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Can't find it following those directions.
They send me straight into a rock and even when i move around it i don't end up at the right spot.
Translator or writer error?