Dissapointing firearms?

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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Dunal »

I figured that the good part about Firearms was its high base damage over STR or DEX scaling.

Meaning that you don't need to pump up those stats and focus on VIT or defensive attributes. You can max Firearms and then max Accuracy and still do good damage even with really low STR or DEX.

I mean, I still think Firearms are overall a bit underwhelming but it does have plus points.

I'd say it's a decent mage secondary weapon, at least.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

eLPuSHeR wrote: I am swapping my human knight for a Minotaur barbarian and I am removing the firearms skill from my rattling alchemist. Too low damage output and you have to conserve ammo. What do you think? I got an archebus but I wasn't proficient enough to test it.

EDIT. To add insult to injury, firearms tend to jam easily. I haven't checked whether the alchemist can create pellets or not at higher levels.
One advantage of firearms is that they insta-hit whatever you're shooting at.
Regular ranged weapons & spells fire projectiles, which can be sidestepped (unless your target is in a narrow hallway).
That may not be enough to offset the disadvantages, but it is an advantage :)
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by kamamura »

Firearms should ignore or drastically lower monster's armor. That's what they did historically - they made armor obsolete, at least the traditional gothic metal armor.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Ichthyic »

I just got the repeater rifle and tried it out...


it does the exact same damage as the arquebeast (the rifle you find near the river).

the special?

if it actually DID fire 6 shots at 9-57 damage each, THEN this rifle would be worth using.

but it doesn't. It fires six shots... at like 25% damage each. I see a bunch of "8s" roll on damage. It's great if it crits (each of the six shots has a separate chance), absolute crap if it doesn't. I maxed crit (which caps at a measley 20%) and usually indeed get about 1 crit per 6 shots... which makes it end up doing about 30-50% more damage than its regular shot. so not worth the energy or shot expenditure.

make it fire six shots, at FULL damage each, but make it take 75 energy instead of 50. then it would be worth using.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Taem »

Ixnatifual wrote:Just quadrupling the amount of firearms ammo in the game would be a simple way to alleviate the worst issue imo.
Completely disagree! The reason is I'd love to give a two-man backrow gun duo a try, and perhaps even a four-man gun quartet. Impossible with the way firearms currently works, and your suggestion would not solve this either.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by The Doppelgamer »

Donno if someone else already said this (not going to read through 5 pages lol), but...

Ratlings in the sewers can sometimes drop ammo... soooo technically there is infinite ammo in the game... but god that would be so slow to farm.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Saice »

Mystina Valeth wrote:Donno if someone else already said this (not going to read through 5 pages lol), but...

Ratlings in the sewers can sometimes drop ammo... soooo technically there is infinite ammo in the game... but god that would be so slow to farm.
It would also be painful as to get a return on your time you would have to hold off using firearms to farm them.

But yes they do the ones with guns seem to have about chance to do it.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Hucast »

Yes, firearms need a buff very badly. They need craftable ammo, and some kind of level/stat scaling if they are to become usable. Perhaps scale their crit chance heavily with dex? I hope they get buffed soon.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Chimera005ao »

Raising Firearms skill reduces missfires only.
Increases range by 1 as well.

A few more guns (even duplicates) could help those who want an all gunner team.
Higher base damage, or armor piercing, could make up for the limited ammo and lack of scaling.
My alchemist was often brewing potions or bombs, and had 1 point in throwing weapons. He was more a support character. I thought of him as a Final Fantasy White Mage type of character, and didn't mind that he couldn't do incredible damage most of the time.
When needed though, he could get some nice snipes, or do some decent support damage.
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Re: Dissapointing firearms?

Post by Hucast »

Chimera005ao wrote:
Raising Firearms skill reduces missfires only.
Increases range by 1 as well.

A few more guns (even duplicates) could help those who want an all gunner team.
Higher base damage, or armor piercing, could make up for the limited ammo and lack of scaling.
My alchemist was often brewing potions or bombs, and had 1 point in throwing weapons. He was more a support character. I thought of him as a Final Fantasy White Mage type of character, and didn't mind that he couldn't do incredible damage most of the time.
When needed though, he could get some nice snipes, or do some decent support damage.
I agree, they do decent damage without a requirement for skill points. But its just when you pick a rattling or whoever to be an alchemist, you can simply do more damage faster and more reliably by putting points into str for throwing weapons or dex for ranged missile weapons. Being an alchemist doesn't have many uses for willpower, so it will probably be vit, strength or dex you're dumping stats into. It was pretty funny when I realized my ratling did more with a sling than with a flintlock pistol.
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