Effectively and... I never said soHeavyMetalMonk wrote:But they aren't even similar. Just because dungeons are navigated from the same point of view doesn't mean they're the same kind of game. They arne't even the same genre.Rodpulsar wrote:I played the VERY GOOD Etrian Odysseys games on Nintendo DS (If you dont know these games, love LOG, and have a DS / 3DS : go get it !)
Etrian Odyssey is the same kind of game as Wizardry, Might & Magic, etc.
Whereas Legend of Grimrock is the same kind of game as Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, etc.
I like both, but they're completely different. Not even close to the same.

One is turn based, the other one is realtime based. I just wrote Etrian is a similar very good game, effectively in term of point of view, and if I mentioned it it was for the Farmer class. Nothing more. Now I don't agree when you say both are not even close to the same. They are very close imho (it's the important word here) since I like both genres. But well thats not the debate

Following all advices, I kept playing my farmer, and boosted him a bit, farming for some food