I pre-ordered LoG 2 at Gog website, and I would like to know how to get my steam key, as described when buying.
Is anybody have an idea ?
Thanks for your support.
Steam Key
Re: Steam Key
When you bough it, you received an eMail with a link to Humble Bundle site. There you will find your possibility to take your game directly to Steam. I bought it too from this site 

Re: Steam Key
No ...Daviex wrote:When you bough it, you received an eMail with a link to Humble Bundle site. There you will find your possibility to take your game directly to Steam. I bought it too from this site
this only applies if you bought from the LOG website.
I too bought it from GOG and only got the DRM-free version. No steam key.
Vice versa the steam version doesn't give you a DRM-free key.
I'm a bit pi**** tbh because us GOG buyers are the only ones not able to access the beta patch now.
Re: Steam Key
Sorry, I was sure he bought it from grimrock.net.
Yea, in this case is DRM-Free Only
Yea, in this case is DRM-Free Only
Re: Steam Key
GOG does not sell Steam keys, there is nothing we can do about it. Sorry! The patch is not yet ready. We will make the patch available to everybody as soon as we have fixed a few pending issues and finished testing.