Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

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Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by Luj1 »

This game is vastly improved in all areas, but there is miscellanea that pokes the eye...

1. Charged weapons

Now: Charged weapons consume energy as well as one charge.

(... making them close to obsolete. If I'm going to use energy, I will just cast a spell)

Before: Charged weapons consume charges.

(Useful mainly to non-magic characters, or when you're out of energy, isn't that the point? )

2. Mortar & Pestle

Now: Required to use from hand.

(which is quite tiresome)

Before: Can be mapped to hand slots but used only from inventory

(should be able to use it from inventory and from hand)

PS alchemy window is fugly

3. Empty bottles

Now: There is no empty bottle left after consuming a potion. You craft potions with herbs alone, after drinking they disappear.

(This is not a real issue for me , however I'm just curious why was it impossible to make empty bottles stack in inventory ? Many people loved the realistic feeling of having an empty bottle remain after drinking a potion, allowing to concoct another kind in it)


4. No 'unarmed' skill to govern weaponless fighting

5. Missing equivalent to Toorum mode

6. 'Treasures' (collecting golden items) from the first game

Cheers !
Last edited by Luj1 on Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:26 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by Chimera005ao »

I agree with the first one. I've always considered enchanted items to, you know, have the magic in them. That's why it has charges, it runs out of the stored magic. I used rarely, when I needed an element my mage didn't go for, though the normal attack had that element anyways. I don't think I'd ever need the item that lets you recharge them.

Second point I disagree with. This time they made alchemy a skill. It was quite intense to have it disabled due to an injury, and knowing the only potion that could heal my alchemist was on another character. Or having that hand injured and having to swap hands to brew potions.
You could not brew potions from hand in the first Grimrock. You needed the inventory open.

Third... bottles would make combat brewing unnecessarily hard.

I can't really think of changes I didn't like.
There were a few things I was disappointed or frustrated in.
Getting lost due to non-linearity (though I loved the new map layout) and not enough spells, or weapons of certain types (but that was the same in the first Grimrock)
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by minmay »

1. No
Toorum mode
...but I'm working on adding it myself, just need to figure out more of the save file format.

2. Really CPU heavy! Sends a core to 100% as soon as a game starts/loads and stays there. I get 15-20 FPS in outdoor areas despite my GPU rarely even hitting 50% with max settings (lowering settings barely improves the framerate at all).
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by badhabit »

minmay wrote: 2. Really CPU heavy! Sends a core to 100% as soon as a game starts/loads and stays there. I get 15-20 FPS in outdoor areas despite my GPU rarely even hitting 50% with max settings (lowering settings barely improves the framerate at all).
Yes, several people are affected by fluctuating FPS in outdoor areas and bad performance with systems which should perform better see this thread (maybe report there too). What is your setup, what CPU do you have?
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by badhabit »

Luj1 wrote: 1. Charged weapons
yes, charged should mean usable for non-magic users / powered from inside. like guns which don't cost extra energy while being "charged".
Luj1 wrote: 3. Empty bottles
agreed, I miss the empty bottles too... gave a sense of realism. But would be a scare resource if required for bomb making.
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by Belligero »

Honestly, my only real complaint is the noticeable stalling frame-drop/lag when I use a crystal for a quick second.

I only wish they had made the earth element more usable, as it is still outclassed by all the other three schools. I'm also very disappointed each element still only has two primary damage spells (aside from the new Meteor Storm, that's cool, but why couldn't they have given all the elements a new powerful spell?)

When I think of earth spells, rock-based attacks and quake attacks comes to mind. I don't really care much for the poison. They should just completely rename the element to poison magic if they are adamant to sticking to that.

Really hope to see some improvements here in the next possible installment.

I really like the new special attacks attached to weapons as opposed to random occurrences from the first game, but I think they should not cost as much energy as they do. I also feel like they should have certain secret special attacks when dual-wielding certain combinations or for heavy weapons, upon meeting certain requirements. Would certainly be interesting and within AH's capacity.
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by Sarumorpheus »

Belligero wrote: I only wish they had made the earth element more usable, as it is still outclassed by all the other three schools. I'm also very disappointed each element still only has two primary damage spells (aside from the new Meteor Storm, that's cool, but why couldn't they have given all the elements a new powerful spell?)

When I think of earth spells, rock-based attacks and quake attacks comes to mind. I don't really care much for the poison. They should just completely rename the element to poison magic if they are adamant to sticking to that.
My wizard is a Ratling called Plaguelord, so I felt being specialized in Earth/Poison magic made sense... :P However, I do agree with you. Earth magic is useless against undead and golems, which makes him rather useless in those fights.

Nevertheless, when we do come across something that can be poisoned, he's quite good at it. I love casting poison bolt and then placing enemies inside the giant energy cube and watch them die! :twisted:
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by Luj1 »

4. No Enchant Arrows spells

(One of the things that I LOVED in Grimrock 1 was enchanting youre own arrows with magic ! )
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by eLPuSHeR »

For me, I do not miss the enchant arrows thing. I hated when different types of arrow didn't stack properly.
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Re: Changes from Grimrock 1 you DIDN'T like

Post by Eldur »

Luj1 wrote:1. Charged weapons
3. Empty bottles
Those are mainly the points I'd agree with.
1. Charged weapons were nice ressources to save up for hard fights that could be spammed out regardless of the character's energy, and that was good how it was. But what I like is the fact that even things like the lightning rod now can be simply used as a weapon. And isn't the charge some kind of energy that sits inside the item?

2. I don't think the new interface is that bad... and if forces one to make the potions before going into a fight, that's good IMHO. But it could save the recipe that has been entered to save clicks when "mass producing" some heal pots for the whole group.

3. I miss those bottles. They were a very imporant ressource that forced you to decide which potions you'd brew to have them ready especially early in the game as you just have a limited amount of them. But they should stack, just like the potions now do.

I might add that I don't like the fact that Vitality and Willpower don't give Health and Energy by leveling up anymore, but as far as I've played now (Level 7 party, almost the second element thingy collected), I had no big problems though, so I think the whole game is balanced to the new system and that's OK as it is, but it's a change that looks very strange (and in 2.1.9 even buggy due to the tooltip text) at the first sight. One clear advantage of the new system is though, that characters who start with low Vit and raise it later in the game by reading tomes, getting equip, etc. get the same boost as those who increased it right at the beginning. Giving those items to low stat characters in LoG1 didn't help much. So overall, this is a point where I just have to see the whole game yet until I can really say if I like it or not.
Luj1 wrote:4. No Enchant Arrows spells

(One of the things that I LOVED in Grimrock 1 was enchanting youre own arrows with magic ! )
Oh... didn't know that yet, but that's really a bummer. I used those enchantments everytime I fired my bows. And it added some "elemental" control to the missile weapons users, so they could adapt to enemies just like the mages with mutliple schools. As for the stacking: I just used a single sort of them at a time, problem's just that they haven't been picked up at all which is another ballpark. Very big dislike here, too :D

My point N°. 5: Auto pickup. Extremely great feature. But why doesn't the game remember what I've shot thoughout the world and doesn't pick them up again as soon as I've got none left in my hands? This was a big gripe in LoG1 already. It just would have to know if it's been shot by hand action and pick it up no matter what. If there's no space in the hand in meantime, got for a free inventory slot, but get it back.

N°. 6: I still don't like that Sokobaning of items on the ground. I love to establish some locations where I throw in everything I find, and I want it sorted, with some kind of order in it. But as soon as I move around, all those items are being pushed around, and I really hate that. Makes organizing the glory hole a pain in the ass. I understand it's been made so that widescreen users (who I wasn't when playing LoG1 BTW) can pick up things because the image gets cut off at the upper and lower border. But is't it possible to grab things from the closer half of the next tile already? It wouldn't be problematic to get things without the moving at least in my imagination.
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