I am currently stuck north of the cemetary,
It has to do with what teleporter you can take in the room you end up in when falling into the pit.Dr.Disaster wrote:The lever has nothing to do with it.
Then it's time to find the right way to solve this little pit puzzle because with the lever up you won't get the power gem.Remuz wrote:It has to do with what teleporter you can take in the room you end up in when falling into the pit.Dr.Disaster wrote:The lever has nothing to do with it.
When it is up, you end up south of the puzzle. When it is down, you end up north of it.
Thus, the only way I can leave atm is when the lever is down.
Agreed with that last sentence. However, sir/madam, this forum is called "gameplay Hints", and from its description, its reads "This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck in Grimrock 2" and so far you did not provide much help, with you first post being wrong and the second one being just a troll.Dr.Disaster wrote: Then it's time to find the right way to solve this little pit puzzle because with the lever up you won't get the power gem.
I told you that the lever is not important which is a pretty huge hint. Beside that there are four (4) buttons which move two(2) pits around on a 2x3 grid. It should not be too tough to figure out, which button moves which pit.Remuz wrote:Agreed with that last sentence. However, sir/madam, this forum is called "gameplay Hints", and from its description, its reads "This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck in Grimrock 2" and so far you did not provide much help, with you first post being wrong and the second one being just a troll.Dr.Disaster wrote: Then it's time to find the right way to solve this little pit puzzle because with the lever up you won't get the power gem.
So, please, if you do know something, please guide me towards the solution. Else, I will just assume that you know nothing more than I do.