I'm preparing for my second playthrhough. The first time I didn't finish the game (last time I played it was 2 years ago...) so let's see if this is the right time.
I'll play on normal and I'm not interesting in power playing: just have fun by having some variety in the team (so, no 4 rogue/minotaurs party

This is what I come up with so far:
Front line:
1) Human Warrior, skilled in Maces and Armor (maybe 10 points in Athetics as well)
2) Lizard Rogue, skilled in Dodge and unarmed combat (maybe 8 points in Assassination as well)
Back row
3) Minotaur Rogue, skilled in missile weapons and dodge.
4) Insectoid Mage, skilled in Ice magic and Spellcraft (and another school of magic as well... I'm a bit undecided between fire and air).
Do you think this party is "good enough" to beat the game on normal? Any suggestions?