Linux Version?

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Re: Linux Version?

Post by totte »

thomson wrote:
eNTi wrote:
petri wrote:Grimrock 2 will be available on Windows at launch. We want to make the game as good as possible first, then we can think about other platforms.
you didn't design grimrock with multi platform in mind? i mean your dependency on dx speaks volumes. i'll probably still get it just because you offer it drm free on your site and i appreciate you releasing grimrock 1 on linux.

still want to voice my disappointment that you don't offer linux support on release.
Wasn't that also the case with LoG1? As a developer myself, I strongly support AH's decision to go with the most popular platform that gives them the most exposure to user-base. As such, I think that questions about Linux, Mac or Oculus Rift are a bit premature at this stage.

But I'm optimistic. They did excellent job with the LoG1 engine. Obviously, I didn't see the source code, but it started as Windows/DX only, but was later ported to Linux, Mac and got the OpenGL capability. Supporting multiple platforms is pain in the ass, especially in the initial release when many patches and frequent updates are expected. Once the dust settles down, then it will be a good time to think about other platforms.

No, I'm not a Windows fanboy. I'm writing from Linux. I develop my own portable software on many platforms, including Win, Linux, Mac, BSDs and Solaris. I played LoG1 on Windows, Linux and Mac and enjoyed every single moment of it.
If the developers are going to port it at some point anyhow - wouldn't it be less tedious to use OpenGL and (with my limited understanding of game development) thus make it work on all platforms in one go? Isn't it more work to first make a version for DirectX and then another for OpenGL? Then, yet more work keeping those two separate branches updated simultaneously?
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by petri »

Maybe. Although in my tests it seems that the Grimrock engine has better performance on Direct3D.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by z00lus »

Also purchased a windows version and I hope to see it on linux asap.
It was a huge advantage of the first Legend of Grimrock supporting linux platform.

I registered on this forum just for this post. Because I think this is very important question.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by Sol_HSA »

petri wrote:Maybe. Although in my tests it seems that the Grimrock engine has better performance on Direct3D.
At least in the past, d3d drivers on windows have been more stable than the opengl ones. In some of my OpenGL applications (using version 1.2 features) people still, on this day and age, manage to fix problems by updating their drivers.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by totte »

I found the first game to be good fun so it's too bad that the sequel won't be available on Linux (or even Mac OS X) for some time. I've used Wine and CrossOver in the past (I forget what the difference is nowadays) but native is... you know, preferable. If it is released for other platforms I'd like to buy it but as it stands I'm going to pass. A single, "lost" (well, postponed) customer isn't likely to dissuade the developers I imagine but I'd just like to let you know that it would be really appreciated if you can manage it.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by Mazerian »

Yes, I actually bought the LoG2 blind, because LoG1 had a Linux version that worked straight out of the box. Using Linux only so imagine my disappointment when I found that it's Windows only at the moment.

Should have done some research first, so not complaining (too much), but with me the expectation was definitely set that LoG2 would be working on Linux.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by thomson »

Mazerian wrote:LoG1 had a Linux version that worked straight out of the box.
That wasn't the case when LoG1 launched. It took some time before Linux support was added.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by vlzvl »

I also don't like Grimrock tied to DirectX. As an OpenGL developer building for both Windows, Linux-es and OSX-es i find it not optimal nowadays.

Windows DirectX and DirectSound can be easily swapped of with OpenGl and OpenAL child's play, these libraries are heavily supported -everywhere- (for OSX, OpenAL / OpenGL are core libraries), not mentioning that a heavy directx-ed engine is too tough to be cross-platform.
And i don't really like solutions like Wine-crap. I prefer compile to native code, not some kind of interpretation.

I had an engine back on ~2000 and i just deserted it because it was too tied up to Windows crap to evolve it nowadays.
Now i'm rewriting it and its a heck easier than dealing with Directsound, Directplay, show and Direct-neverending, non-portable crap.
DirectX is all about to tie your apps to Windows.
No wonder Windows Phone and Xbox don't allow for OpenGL. This is Micro$oft guys.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by totte »

Well if the performance of the game engine (seemingly) is better in Direct3D I'm not sure if an OpenGL version would, hypothetically speaking, be worth the effort if you could run it through Wine and have about the same performance that you would with a less-than-optimal port. From a layman's perspective it seems like a lot of more work for little gain compared to optimizing it for OpenGL and have it run on both Linux, Windows and Mac OS X in one go. Weird.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by vlzvl »

Actually i don't believe Direct3D is faster than OpenGL.
Direct3D was always slower than OpenGL in many ways and just recently became as fast as OpenGL.
Perhaps Direct3D is faster on specific procedures than OpenGL and reverse, don't know about it.
But thing is one will have a hell of a time trying to convert a DX-based app (especially a big one like Grimrock)
to anything else than having started it with cross-platformity in mind.

For Linux you have Wine for saving you that work, what do you have on OSX for converting from DX ? on iOS? Android?
You can't have a Wine for all platforms, you know.

Worth the time converting your code to native one? Dunno, one needs to measure $$$ sales in all platforms, i suppose Windows is on #1 and there's no reason for OpenGL.
Is it?
nowadays i would say no, regarding also Grimrock's tablet versions and such.
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