Please do something about the spiders :(

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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by Isaac »

Gekkibi wrote:Is it possible to make a loop that checks each x frames if there are any new spawned spiders, because nothing creates more laundry than a false impression that there are no spid- BOO!! I know that this kind of loop is possible in a custom-made dungeon, but no idea if you can execute an infinite loop with a delay using the console.

It doesn't seem to be possible to spawn a script, assign source code to it, then call it... It sort-of-almost works, but calling the spawned script functions always returns an error. :(
So, no, I don't know how to setup a timer to kill spiders every ½ second... but even that might not catch a spawned spider if it spawns right in front of the player ~and that scares no matter what creature it is. :shock:
Gekkibi wrote:Sweet! I tip my hat to you. If you're able to make it a spawn-proof then I have a damn valid reason to replay Grimrock one more time (and not change my underwear after *that* pressure plate)!
If you know that pressure plate... you might be able to step on it backwards, and enter the snail script in the console. (And you can always enter it any time that you hear the sound of spiders.)

But perhaps Komag can think of a console code for use in playing his Master Quest mod that recreates the Grimrock campaign; That we have a lot more control over.
@Komag: I don't mean a patch, I meant just a console statement to break or change the trap.
Last edited by Isaac on Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by Gekkibi »

Isaac wrote:
Gekkibi wrote:Is it possible to make a loop that checks each x frames if there are any new spawned spiders, because nothing creates more laundry than a false impression that there are no spid- BOO!! I know that this kind of loop is possible in a custom-made dungeon, but no idea if you can execute an infinite loop with a delay using the console.

It doesn't seem to be possible to spawn a script, assign source code to it, then call it... It sort-of-almost works, but calling the spawned script functions always returns an error. :(
So, no, I don't know how to setup a timer to kill spiders every ½ second... but even that might not catch a spawned spider if it spawns right in front of the player ~and that scares ~no matter what creature it is. :shock:
Gekkibi wrote:Sweet! I tip my hat to you. If you're able to make it a spawn-proof then I have a damn valid reason to replay Grimrock one more time (and not change my underwear after *that* pressure plate)!
If you know that pressure plate... you might be able to step on it backwards, and enter the snail script in the console. (And you can always enter it any time that you hear the sound of spiders.)

But perhaps Komag can think of a console code for use in playing his Master Quest mod that recreates the Grimrock campaign; That we have a lot more control over.
Thanks for the script you wrote. I will continue playing Grimrock in the near future and try this out myself. I have finished the official dungeon twice and Master Quest once, but it will be a lot less painful when I have a snail invasion instead of angry neighbors and no clean underwear. I just have to spam the console every second or so, just to be sure... :)
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by Isaac »

Gekkibi wrote:Thanks for the script you wrote. I will continue playing Grimrock in the near future and try this out myself. I have finished the official dungeon twice and Master Quest once, but it will be a lot less painful when I have a snail invasion instead of angry neighbors and no clean underwear. I just have to spam the console every second or so, just to be sure... :)
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by DJK »

Afraid of digital spiders ? Well guess there is a first for everything... No matter how something "looks" ingame, all I ever see are animated textured models.. I don't live in Disneyworld so I understand a computer game is not "real" nor can any game scare me, same for movies and any other form of media... My brain knows full well it is "not real".
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by Sol_HSA »

DJK wrote:Afraid of digital spiders ? Well guess there is a first for everything... No matter how something "looks" ingame, all I ever see are animated textured models.. I don't live in Disneyworld so I understand a computer game is not "real" nor can any game scare me, same for movies and any other form of media... My brain knows full well it is "not real".
Belittlement other people's phobias just because you don't understand them isn't funny.

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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by Isaac »

DJK wrote:Afraid of digital spiders ? Well guess there is a first for everything... No matter how something "looks" ingame, all I ever see are animated textured models.. I don't live in Disneyworld so I understand a computer game is not "real" nor can any game scare me, same for movies and any other form of media... My brain knows full well it is "not real".
The mind processes what the eye sees even before the consciousness weighs in on the matter. It's not a matter of choice or lack of understanding.
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by Gekkibi »

DJK wrote:Afraid of digital spiders ? Well guess there is a first for everything... No matter how something "looks" ingame, all I ever see are animated textured models.. I don't live in Disneyworld so I understand a computer game is not "real" nor can any game scare me, same for movies and any other form of media... My brain knows full well it is "not real".
I guess you're one of those who tries to rationalize that it is irrational to be irrationally afraid of something...
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

One option would be to replace the model/frames with something else in the game data. I'm not sure how feasible that would be, and it would take someone with modding skill in any case, but it would preserve the gameplay impact while making them into something non-spider. (Gelatinous cubes, perhaps - if they aren't already in!)

Unfortunately, arachnophobia is something that exists at a fairly primal level in human psychology to the point of actually distorting the perceptions of someone who has it, so it isn't just something you can "face up to", and exposure therapy isn't going to work for everyone; even when it can, it usually starts with thoroughly nonthreatening cartoony images, not dungeon-dwelling monstrous types. (That said, there are different degrees of it, and pixel versions aren't a problem for every arachnophobe.)

Fair warning to anyone who does have it: never, ever play System Shock II. ;)
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by cutterjohn »

Gekkibi wrote:The spiders are the only reason why I'm not buying the game now. I'm hoping for a built-in option that would swap the spiders to something completely different (if nothing else, The Cow from Grimrock video) so that we (those who really don't like spiders) don't have to wait for a mod.

in b4 namecalling and that it's irrational to be afraid of spiders...
Christ! ITS A GAME!

I just cannot get over all 5 of you people whinging about OMFGWTFBBQ SPIDARS! Grow the hell up people!
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Re: Please do something about the spiders :(

Post by cutterjohn »

you know I saw this same crap with LoG1, and this very same whinging made me register(although I could've sworn that I had an LoG1 account, but it seems to have disappeared), anyways, this has got to be a joke. Whinging about virtual spiders?! WTF?!