Thanks man.So, nobody is testing other than me? It's a pitty, the module is excellent

I had not planned to stop there at the beginning, but I'm afraid I no longer have time to continue. So I preferred to put an end and refine what already existed. The next version will thus improve few things in Level 3 and I will consider your comments. So I don't add content. And with the release of LOG2, I don't think this mod will interest lot of people soon.aww man. It's over. I was hoping to have some more...
Solved the puzzle by a strange way, maybe it's a bug you should check!
I never got the most west portcullis opened. I stepped in the plates to release the fireballs, then I went back to the other room and casted a fireball against the hole that was blocked. Then...surprise, the third gem was in the alcove!!!
I bet this is not the right solution, but it worked!
I never got the most west portcullis opened. I stepped in the plates to release the fireballs, then I went back to the other room and casted a fireball against the hole that was blocked. Then...surprise, the third gem was in the alcove!!!

I bet this is not the right solution, but it worked!
It's not the right solution but why not. I'll check it.