This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
I already killed them BUT i am in place, where is the note "...I have to watch my back the spiders are everywhere..." and its frustraiting. I was sure there were no spiders in the area but they suddenly appeared. It seems they are randomly generated i hate this
Guys i have a problem in level 3 a little far behind two moving teleports. There is a button on the wall which opens a gate to a room with two spiders-you must run there. The problem is when you enter the room the gate closes behind you and you are there with two spiders. I always killed only one spider cause they are really fast and poison me. But i cant kill them both. So i tried to run through the room and close the door behind me BUT another two spiders came. I dont have any more curing poison potions and they always kill me. Any ideas how to beat them? I appretiate any tricks you have
Its hard, I had to save and reload a LOT for that part. If I remember correctly I got locked in with the two spiders, killed them as best as i could and then ran out and went way far back in the map, then come back to where the spiders are and try and lure them one at a time.
The spiders do respawn if you sleep near them, meaning if you want to rest and the spiders are in the next room separated by only a gate. So if you want to heal up before a big fight do it several rooms away, ones you have already cleared.
You have several solutions for this one. This is a very hard fight if you get stucked in the room, but you can still use frost bomb to freeze and shatter one of the spider.
If you didn't find the frost bomb or you don't want to 'waste' it, you can do a trick to pull spiders out of the room:
First, you have to open the portcullis, then quickly go past through it AND step back before it closes. This way, you'll awake the spiders in the room. Then, you just have to open the gate when a spider is standing near it, and they will come to you one by one.
I used this trick to manage the fight in hard mode and it worked like a charm.
Kill a spider, run back to regeneration crystal.
Kill a spider, run back to regeneration crystal.
Kill a spider, run back to regeneration crystal.
Kill a spider, run back to regeneration crystal.
Kill a spider..
Takes a while (and frequent reloads) but my half-mage party can't kill a spider in a cramped space without at least one member getting badly injured or killed, let alone fighting more than one.
The room with with like six spiders is easy. Pull the chain and open the door. Don't go in just stand there and kill one. Pull the chain to close the door. Have a nap and repeat the process till there all dead. The room with 2 spiders that you get locked into is harder.
generalemail wrote:The room with with like six spiders is easy. Pull the chain and open the door. Don't go in just stand there and kill one. Pull the chain to close the door. Have a nap and repeat the process till there all dead. The room with 2 spiders that you get locked into is harder.
What he said, I had no problem with that room at all and they do not respawn and I am playing it on hard