Ideas about Grimrock 2

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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by chaoscommencer »

No worries :). Sorry if I didn't write the quotes exactly btw, hard to do that from the phone.
Working on a dungeon that displays a massive collection of assets while sorting them into convenient reusable plugin format (concept from some of leki's mods). Will contribute some of my own models as well eventually and follow that with custom dungeon.
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by Dr.Disaster »

just had a wicked thought ..
what if some/all characters could experience fear like arachnophobia (and the likes) too?
could a character refuse to attack?
could the party flee all by itself?
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by Halluinoid »

these attributes have been incorporated through most (if not all) of the various versions of XCOM (1995 - 2012) the latest being XCOM ENEMY UNKNOWN

your team members have

1. strength 2. health 3. agility 4. morale (and others)

the morale bar starts high of course but as other team members die OR as mighty enemies even just appear on the scene, their morale can drop (significantly)

as their morale drops various things can deteriorate e.g. they can just "miss" badly when shooting or throwing, "freeze" or even "panic"

so this is the type of thing outlined by Dr Disaster and already implemented in other turn based games to great effect
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by BuzzJ »

Halluinoid wrote:these attributes have been incorporated through most (if not all) of the various versions of XCOM (1995 - 2012) the latest being XCOM ENEMY UNKNOWN

your team members have

1. strength 2. health 3. agility 4. morale (and others)

the morale bar starts high of course but as other team members die OR as mighty enemies even just appear on the scene, their morale can drop (significantly)

as their morale drops various things can deteriorate e.g. they can just "miss" badly when shooting or throwing, "freeze" or even "panic"

so this is the type of thing outlined by Dr Disaster and already implemented in other turn based games to great effect
Only partially related: The above is an accurate description of the tactical game-play of X-COM. Here's the deal, internet. Just figure out how to make meaningful1 compelling story-lines arise out of random circumstance and player interaction to intersperse the above turn based tactical combat; with varying shades of "realism"2 trigger-able by a broad spectrum of options and parameters, to the finest granularity possible3. Tactical Turn-based can be accelerated to exactly but not faster than the speed of human thought.

Best game ever. To rival chess and exist for all time forever. So long as the fundamental rules function; multi-player is a simple e-mail based turn reply system. Just accelerate this to exactly but not faster than the speed of human thought. chat/board/forum. So yeah, tight tactical combat and a Allan B. Calhamer Diplomacy or Dimitry Davidoff Werewolf as the fundamental action of multiplayer.

1(to player)
2(in games)
3(elemental forces like electromagnetic constants would be preferable, but just game-play affecting quasi physics is okay too)

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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by Isaac »

On the modding side: One feature I'm curious about is whether the engine supports vertex colors. The reason... Not only more control of the shading & coloring, but if the engine tints the model's material with the vertex colors, that could mean easier re-use of existing materials, (that could be shaded & tinted per model); and that would mean smaller mods ~meaning you could fit more into the data cap.

*If not... It's no terrible loss, but I'd have used it a lot if available.
Dr.Disaster wrote:just had a wicked thought ..
what if some/all characters could experience fear like arachnophobia (and the likes) too?
could a character refuse to attack?
could the party flee all by itself?
This was done in 'Realms of Arkania'. :twisted:

I would like to see several things from that game have a counterpart in LoG2. The skill use was great... You could enter a tavern and have your bard entertain for tips, and/or have your thief pickpocket the crowd; as well as talk to people for information.

The Party could split up; this could allow injured to stay behind, or allow two part puzzles; or even there was an area where the party had to wear heat shielding, and the ones without would burn (and break from the party).

It would be appreciated if the engine supports more than four PCs ~even if the default game only uses 4.
Last edited by Isaac on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by diceman »

Let me add 2 humble ideas:

- I would like to see, that finding spell-scrolls is still useful to you, even though you already know the runes from a previous game. Maybe finding a spell-scroll should give you a +1 Bonus on the respective spell? It doesn't have to be much, just a small boost as an incentive for still finding those scrolls you'll need.
- How about some random items in order to propose replayability and exploration? I understand that you'll need certain fixed locations for certain items in order to balance the game. But it would be nice to have some weapons and items spawn as randomised types on random spots. You could have something like a wildcard-class in the Dungeon-Editor; you could adjust some of it's properties, like variable spawn-location, types (weapon, herbs, foods), weighted probability, and so on. You could even do this for certain, rare enemy-encounters (spider or snail? 1 or 2?). Could be fun. :)
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by Isaac »

diceman wrote:Let me add 2 humble ideas:

- I would like to see, that finding spell-scrolls is still useful to you, even though you already know the runes from a previous game. Maybe finding a spell-scroll should give you a +1 Bonus on the respective spell? It doesn't have to be much, just a small boost as an incentive for still finding those scrolls you'll need.
How about instead of a bonus, that they just cast the spell once at no cost and then crumble to dust.
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by eLPuSHeR »

I second that.
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by hefa »

I hope that they have changed the way dying is handled. I found it distracting that the only debuf about one character dying was that you couldn't attack with it. You still could use the dead character to hold torches and you could interact with the inventory of dead character.

Altough it would make the game harder I really hope that the dead character would drop everything on the ground and you would have to carry the carcass/bones to a resurrection stone for resurrection. The resurrected character would be naked and you should return back to the place of death to recover the items from the ground.
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Re: Ideas about Grimrock 2

Post by Asteroth »

hefa wrote:I hope that they have changed the way dying is handled. I found it distracting that the only debuf about one character dying was that you couldn't attack with it. You still could use the dead character to hold torches and you could interact with the inventory of dead character.

Altough it would make the game harder I really hope that the dead character would drop everything on the ground and you would have to carry the carcass/bones to a resurrection stone for resurrection. The resurrected character would be naked and you should return back to the place of death to recover the items from the ground.
Who would strip their dead buddy naked?

Now that's a silly batch of adventurers. Unless there armor was extremely heavy, even then the rest would not be worth taking off.
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