But what a fantastic learning experience.
I hope some of you will take the time to check it out.
A Video trailer showing off the environment can be found here.
Information about the mod
* Don't make or import party, you play as Blake Stormarrow.
* You start at level 7.
* The story of the game takes place after Legend of Grimrock, if you haven't finished LoG then some spoilers are to be found.
* This mod is light on the puzzle side and focuses more on exploration and combat.
* You can expect about an evening's worth of gameplay.
Story Settings:
Blake Stormarrow is an agent of the King of Theraen.
You have been sent to Murwynd Woods to meet up with Sultor, another agent in the service of the Kingdom of Theraen.
The two of you are to investigate strange happenings in that region in the aftermath of the Grimrock explosion.
Game mechanics that differ from standard Grimrock:
* Doors in houses can be opened by clicking them
* Water can restore some food
* You start with a notebook, read it
* Notes and scrolls can be added to the notebook
* Some walls are breakable, look for weaknesses
* Information found in notes and scrolls can be vital to your success
Technical Game info:
* Near to 300 custom models created for this mod.
* A forest outdoor region along with a small town, underground tunnels and a swamp.
* A large amount of customization to the original dungeon and temple tilesets.
* The mod was created and tested on mid- to high range PC, Linux and Mac was never tested.
* In some places the engine is pushed near its limits, I tried to plan it so that no combat was taking place during these moments, lower end systems may struggle.
Known issue:
* Sometimes the game can crash during level transition, the reason for this is unknown at this time, so as always, saving often is your friend.
John Wordsworth - ActionBar,Notebooks,GrimFBX,Lua Code
Mahric - code from "Awakening of Taarnab"
Grimwold - Lua Code
Phitt - Cozy Dungeons
Wallasaurus - Mummy 3d model and FBX scripts
PGrinbergs - 3d model
Enthymeme - 3d model
Tjörvi Oskarsson AKA -Subminimal - Music and Sound effects (https://soundcloud.com/subminimal/)
Bl@de - Testing
BraBra - Testing
Gormurinn - Testing
Memnoch - Testing
Thicki - Testing
All the crew on the LotNR Skype Channel
The LoG community at grimrock.net
Almost Human for great modding support
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =250468228
Nexus link
The mod has been played from start to finish a couple of times, but as can be expected we will have some unexpected bugs popping up.
But hopefully nothing major

As always I value your thoughts and critique, so feel free to comment.
There are a few puzzles that people seem to get stuck on
So here is a quick walkthrough for these specific puzzles.
Can't get down to the 3rd level of the Ruins of Lythrin, its flooded.
and a steam canister and a fume nuzzle (both located in the engineering room)
The Storage is locked and the key is lost in the swamp, you will find it in an oak alcove in the swamp.
Firebolt, lightning bolt, poison bolt will do, if you don't have a champion in
your party that can cast these spells then there is a lightning rod in one of the secrets
in ruins of Lythrin and there is a fireblade+poison blade in the basement of the Hunters Cabin.
Then head up to the second floor of the tavern and unlock the door with the Iron key and step close to the next door.
A dialog will start and she will join your party.
that explains the orbs and how the colors effects the distance traveled, traveling to the Throne Room
needs the minimal amount of power.
He is petrified in front of the remains of the Great Worm of Khazajan
You need to find a way to remove his condition.

4 Blue Glass Orbs
2 Blue Gems
2 Green Gems
and the spell "Remove Petrification"
Also you need a character that has Spellcraft skill of 10 or higher (Blake starts with 5 and Carla also)
Two skillbooks can be found around the game that give 5 points each when used, and of course you can level the skill when
your character levels on his journey.
So lets take this in the order you move through the game
The first Glass orbs is in the forest near to your starting position.
Head north over the small bridge and to the west, there is a tree stump that holds the first one, take it.
On the first floor of the Ruins of Lythrin in the hallway where you see Sultors cloak, there is a room infront of you
that you need to break a wall to get into, inside that room there is an alcove with a Blue Glass Orb, take it.
On the first floor of the Ruins of Lythrin in the hallway that has 4 rooms with doors guarded be Herders (mushroom monsters)
there is a Blue Gem in one of the alcoves, take it.
On the Second floor of the ruins after the hallway with the Goromorg statues (that light up when you enter)
you need to break a wall to step into a cave area and then get back inside the dungeon proper, head back to the
locked door from the other side and you will see another Blue Gem in a alcove, take it.
After you have killed to Warden and set Sultor free, go to the prison cell closest to the Wardens Chamber (it's now open)
there is a weak wall in the back, break it and follow the tunnel until you find the another Blue Glass Orb, take it.
When you used the Prison Master key to free Sultor you also opened the Cells on the first floor, head back there and have a look
inside the cells there, you will find a Green Gem, take it.
The fourth Blue Glass Orb is located in the swamp in a oak alcove, take it.
After you have repaired the bridge outside of town and crossed it there is a way underground to your right, go down.
Go forward to the area where you can see the dungeon ruins take over from the cave area and take the stairs down.
You are now inside a room with 4 Dragon Statues, place a Blue Glass Orb into the mouth of every one and a secret door will open.
Go inside the secret and use the teleporter, it will take you into the lair of the Great Worm Khazajan (don't worry he's dead)
In front of the Skeleton there is Clive in his petrified state, at his feet there is a sack, inside there is a Green Gem, take it and leave.
We will return to Clive later.
At this point you should have 2 Blue Gems and 2 Green Gems, the blue gems can be used to open up another secret in the Ruins of Lythrin, remember to take them back
if you used them there. Head to Arkose Keep.
Inside Arkosa Keep on its first floor in the 3x3 room before you encounter the Ogre in front of the big stairs up, there is a Wall Tapestry
Rip the Tapestry and press the small button, head up to the secret room that opened.
Inside the secret room there are 2 daemon heads, place the Blue Gems in one, and the Green Gems in the other, a secret door will open.
Inside that secret room there is a Scroll that will teach you the spell Remove Petrification.
Go back to Clive and free him.