Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind playthrough

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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Komag »

I already deleted the source files so I can't fix it, sorry. :( I added to the description what happened for those 11 minutes.
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by SpiderFighter »

Sorry I haven't been on the past week; it's been incredibly busy here. I'm checking all the Let's Plays and updating the original posts here and on Steam this morning.
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Komag »

Part 13 is up, a little over 2hrs:


Includes The Cube's room, TSofP's room, examining multi-level closed pit, and the Vault
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Excellent Komag. I've just made some cake... Will be sitting down with cake and tea later to watch this! :)
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Diarmuid »

Woohoo, congratulations on the Vault - you were quite good at it, which somehow I didn't doubt. Your videos are so fun to watch, as usual. Thanks for putting the time in, I just checked, you're at 14.5 hours now, hehe.

I wonder why you keep firebursting the skeleton ghosts, they are immune to fire and you get 0s... :? You should also probably use flame carpet all the time unless against weaker monsters, the energy-to-damage ratio tops all other fire spells, as it scales with you skill, and if you cast it multiple times on the same creature (and it's still not dead) the burning effects are additive.

You know your evasion bonus is coming from Katana+Wakizashi combo. But with the Dismantler you could equip that heavy shield instead of the Wakizashi... the oriental weapons combo gives you currently 15 evasion, which will go up to 16 if you max out your sword skill. Heavy shield is 10, so you would end up -6 evasion only but +6 power+lightning effect.

I'd probably use the Dismantler myself, but it depends on the play style!

Oh, and about the zone on level 7 behind the closed metal door in the condemned area: you did miss it (the entrance is somewhere else) but there is another hint later in the game that will point you to it, so I'll let you go on without further hints unless you really get to end without checking it. Anyway it was designed as a potentially "high-level" area most people would postpone and return to later.
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Komag »

Hmm, I'll reconsider the Dismantler, but using the shield would also be carrying more weight, I'll have to see. Never noticed the 0 damage firebursts, oops! And I'll just wait for that later hint for that area :) Thanks for the notes!
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Diarmuid »

Hi Komag!

I just realized that one of the important Arena fixes in Patch 3 can be applied via console in Patch 2, which you are playing.

Copy paste this in the console:

Code: Select all

for i = #arenaScript.monsters, 1, -1 do if arenaScript.monsters[i] == "jw_zombie_ogre" then table.remove(arenaScript.monsters, i); end end
We had added the Zombie Ogre to the list, but forgot that it had some connections with scripts from John Wordsworth's room, for example, Xanalin the Necromancer will say "No, not my beloved zombie ogre!" every time you kill one, which didn't make sense at all. This code removes it from the monster roster.
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Komag »

Okay, I loaded my game, pasted in the code, seemed to work, saved, exited.
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Isaac »

Diarmuid wrote: We had added the Zombie Ogre to the list, but forgot that it had some connections with scripts from John Wordsworth's room, for example, Xanalin the Necromancer will say "No, not my beloved zombie ogre!" every time you kill one, which didn't make sense at all. This code removes it from the monster roster.
Hmmm... I wonder if we could have put a level check in the hook, to skip that when it's in the arena; for the future patch I mean.
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Re: Komag's Let's Play The One Room Round Robin 2 blind play

Post by Diarmuid »

Isaac wrote:
Diarmuid wrote: We had added the Zombie Ogre to the list, but forgot that it had some connections with scripts from John Wordsworth's room, for example, Xanalin the Necromancer will say "No, not my beloved zombie ogre!" every time you kill one, which didn't make sense at all. This code removes it from the monster roster.
Hmmm... I wonder if we could have put a level check in the hook, to skip that when it's in the arena; for the future patch I mean.
Yeah but last we decided it was best left as a unique story monster in that room.
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