Xanathar wrote:Complete walkthrough to my room (in the most synthetic way possible).
...Everything else is for secrets.
But basically the core idea is that
with every lens combination the room changes and behaves differently.. As you see it differently

Ok, minmay and Xanathar, I do apologise:
You know when you are earnestly trying to do something right and end up doing it wrong anyway? I have made two big errors with this room, which I feel is a dis-service to the design of it.
1 - mis-interpreting minmay's review which aluded to a solution:
I was on this puzzle and could not logically see how minmay had made the leap from what the player could experience to the nonograms.
Admittedly, the purple wand I tried once and the message "The wand does nothing" made me think it needed assembly, for some reason. So I doubt I would have equated the wand with the nonogram puzzle. Even if I were to use it up there, I would have tried to use it to decipher the writing on the wall - but standing in front of a wall would get you the same message. Nothing for me linked the wand to the floor tiles, so was looking at all the other items. As soon as i realised the message really meant "The wand does nothing here" it clicked (that and the answer from minmay of course

) This link from wand to floor tile was not obvious but that's why it is a puzzle I guess: being given this wand, the goggles, 7 pages of cryptic diary notes and the mushrooms all at once meant I felt a bit overwhelmed and baffled. What I feared was that there was no in-story link between puzzle and items, and that solving the puzzle was purely a pen-and-paper exercise - so I got on my high-horse to realise actually, there was no horse. Of course it was all linked - so ignore my previous posts on this.
2 - familiarity breeds idiocy:
I've seen these goggles before (The Sunset Gate is awesome) and thought they only did what they did in Xanathar's dungeon: ie, open doors. And this I had just done in the corridor leading to the stairs to the nonogram room: to open the portcullis and visit the tombs / fire tunnel. But if I'd never had played The Sunset Gate, then I am very sure I would have properly read the clear description, which explained in great detail what to do. Some fiddling and the blue lens was attached. Now visiting the nonogram puzzle and lo, the numbers appeared - and even without knowing nonograms, the layout of the room made sense suddenly. Even I've done some logic puzzles in my time.
So... in summary:
For me, the purple wand is unintuitive to use and would drop one extra hint somehow, perhaps: place it on the first pad in the room or add 'here' to the use text: but TBH I think it's just me and is fine as it is. The goggles still rock and was presuming stuff. I am sorry to demand a solution where if I were more patient I would have given this puzzle it's proper attention.
I obviously cannot trust large rooms full of square pressure pads: far to similar to that lousy room before this one

Am happily playing through this puzzle now, and thoroughly enjoying it. Thanks again.