Hello Drakkan, hello adventurers
First of all please excuse me for English is not my native language (frenchie inside).
Drakkan, I just finished your Mod after like 4 or 5 days of intense playing (4 or 5 hours a day, thx christmas break !). I never wrote a review nor any thanks for a mod before that, but today has to be the first time : your mod is incredibly well done, and for that I warmly thank you Drakkan. You probably spent a lot of hours designing all these levels and you deserve these warm thanks :
Now you wrote that you needed feedback on that mod, I will try to make it as short as possible.
First of all I am a 39 year old player, fan of RPG's, especially old school dungeon crawlers. I played a lot on amiga / PC / 8bit machines while teenager, and finished almost every game of the genre : Black Crypt, Eye of the Beholder 1, 2, 3, Bard's Tale 1, 2, 3, first Ultima's, Legend of Faerghail, D&D, Hired Guns, Might and Magic, Wizardry's, ROA Blade of Destiny, Captive, Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back, Ishar 1, 2, 3, etc. Recently I bought Grimrock of course, Etrian Odyssey (a must have), and right now in the pre-release of Might and Magic X legacy. Well I
AM old school (and still have my hand written / annotated maps for all these games in a book somewhere lol)
If I tell you that, it's just to illustrate the fact that I am well trained in this kind of games (like a lot of us I guess), and of course I tend to be in demand of a certain excellence and quality :
both of which you provide with this mod Drakkan.
My Grimrock Team :
- I played (and always play) in hard mode.
- I played the whole mod with my original Grimrock party, all lvl 15 except for my Magician lvl 14. The beginning went fast, however I slowly perceived the increase of difficulty, and felt totally tuned to the game for the last 10 levels or so. Still, I died a lot.
- Team Rank 1 is made of a warrior full unarmed in heavy armor AND a thief full daggers in light armor
- Team Rank 2 is made of a thief full throwing weapons in light armor AND a magician Air / Water / Spellcraft (dressed like a rainbow lol)
Pros :
- The possibility to say at the beginning : "Well no, this mission is not for me !" made me laugh

- Ambiance and chars from EOB2

(However there is a gap in the middle/end of the game where that feeling totally dissapears)
- Musics and sounds !
- Some written riddles (empty flask, stone head series, etc) => We need more !
- Some room puzzles (disco room !, 2x3 parallel pressure plates room, water streaming room !, holes from Ogre levels, leading to Ogre level, etc...)
- The coin collect system during all the game
- The TP system with the treasures (brilliant)
- You PERFECTLY quantized the available food during the whole game, making it a real option at the end to buy some for golds.
- Water, new textures, exteriors !!! Some nice fresh air !!

- The room filled with Thunderbolts with the Air Resist Scroll in the middle = LOL
- Item dropping was ok except perhaps for too many scrolls and too many flasks (including empty ones). It depends of the playstyle however : I would not replace any hand of my caster by some charged parchment except for one or two exceptional situations.
- Expanding room has been a real challenge for me in Hard mode, I had to start it again like 12 times !

It reminded me of the warrior challenge room in the original Grimrock. In fact I like to be forced to use magic shields and bombs and everything I can to win, otherwise I prefer brute force like probably a lot of us lol. I have been proud to finish this particular challenge

- Level with the instakill cubes was stressing enough too : perfectly "dosed" (sp ?)
- Level with the 5 Ice Spiders : perfect too. Finished it with two chars only, but alive. In fact I finished a lot of levels with one or two chars alive only. Just in time to meet a rez crystal usually, which made me think that you are totally conscious of the hardest parts of your mod

- OMG you have hidden some secret buttons with some "perversity" lol
- "Listen to the music of the dead" is just one of the BEST challenge I ever met in this kind of game ! (2 free skillbooks as a reward made me love it immediatly again lol)

- The feeling that we go UP a kind of giant tower, floor after floor like in EOB 2, is interesting. I would have loved to be able to break some windows and see distant mountains, or better : some real balcony views / static picture, during daylight, then dusk, then night (and the awful lag with it lol). Best would be to hear some dragon screams from the last balcony :p
- The final Boss is well thought, and I have been positively surprised (read : dead) with his "Crab Move" !!

Cons (you will see that some come from the game engine, or from my perception, however maybe you will find some ideas for further work) :
- Instant death has no sense for me in this kind of game, plus loading back a Grimrock save may be long
- Exteriors with snow make my comp graphically lag. It's probably not your fault tho. My computer is an Haswell 4700, 16gb of DDR3 and a NVidia GForce 770, when I run recent 3D games at 100+ fps, I can't understand why Grimrock becomes slow at times (I guess each weather effect is reproduced on each square or something like that (?)
- There is NO chainpull activated kind of doors. These doors are fun when trying to kill certain hard mobs then hiding behind the closed door (or killing yourself casting too early lol). This is a must have in a squared type dungeon crawler imho.
- I would have appreciated to know BEFORE STARTING that I could meet some dead adventurers to revive in game. I would have played with Toorum instead of my usual team, to hire all of them. (However it's my fault I red nothing about the mod before starting it). Plus I must now live with the fact I didn't open ONE door

- As I wrote before, I loved the way items were slowly but surely availables. HOWEVER : 3 Assassin's daggers = too many Assassin's daggers. One is enough imho.
- In the last levels, (beginning with the frozen ones), I started to think that the mod was too long, especially with that graphical lag occuring. I would have loved more stretched levels / riddles sometimes. Long corridors / halls with nothing to do = no interest imho. If you remember well, In the EOB series, all maps where like 32x32, which forced the designers to fill each space with something to do / watch / activate / fight / search. You see the point I think

Some details about this felt lenght :
- - Level with the Ogres : too many ogres (it's simple and boring to kill them).
- - Level with the Rainbow puzzle : too many gems to collect, without really knowing wich ones will be used at first. Plus putting a Rez Crystal right in front of the puzzle made the solving laggy. Plus putting an inscription right in the middle of each puzzle made it difficult to properly insert the gems, especially middle row ones. However, I liked the idea of this 4 areas gems collecting / coin buying puzzle. BUT I disliked to hear the Game Intro music in the 4 Skull halls. This particularly Epic music doesn't stick to the ambiance at this moment imho.
- - Floating squares in space with the four Daemon Hearts to put on altars was particularly long whan I already wanted to meet the big boss. Plus it's a level where we loose a LOT of missile / throwing projectiles (if the mob dies in "space"). Strategy VS frustration here

- - The mine at the beginning of the game is of no interest to me, or too big for what purpose it serves (?)
- - I didn't understand the puzzle with a frostball / fireball shooting Dragon Statue and the double-lever-activated-3-doors. In fact I came, activated like 20 times very fast each lever, moved the dragon @ every position making it fire like mad... and passed the puzzle...
Well, that's all I can think about for the moment. I found 5/6 treasures, including the one in the final boss room. Since we only have 5 seconds to pick up anything after the boss killing, I will have to do that fight again. I would love to be able to TP somewhere else from this level :p
And I feel like I missed some kind of big secret tho, I will come back to it asap
Thanks again for your time and hard work Drakkan, transformed into several times of fun for all of us !
Bravo !
Rod Pulsar