Second thing, i think i've found a bug. On level 9 after you sacrifice the relics and step into the tp I had a problem with the trap door puzzle. I went in and without activating any of the secret buttons i managed to open the door with the key so i took it and stepped out of the pressure plate, but the central hub thing didn't open up. At this point i didnt know about the hub so i kept searching for ways to solve the puzzle and so i found all the secret buttons. I did all that stuff and got the lighting sword but the hub is still closed. In all the playtroughs I've seen they take the key after doing the secret buttons so i figured out i could have bugged the puzzle by doing it in the wrong order.
Anyway, hope this helps, and if im just being an idiot and not realising something very obvious im very sorry but there is no way i can make the hub open now and i only had one save file so i cant go back and this was kinda my last resort :S