[MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by ORYX »

tschrage wrote:Hi Oryx
I have transformed the blue gem into a green one. I have put it in the mouth of the Stoneface and the 2 red ones in the eyes.
But nothing happens...


You put one green gem and blue gem in eyes slots. (not the blue gem from mouth because you use it to transform on green gem). You must use a another blue gem behind a secret door near here...!
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by THOM »

Oh my goodness - how can one be so stupid?
I mixedup "saphire and emerauld" with red and green istead of blue and green...

Thank you!
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by ORYX »

Hello Rexornet !!

Thank you for the compliments.


MoleBrune Armouries :
It's easy... lol
It is 2 meters from 10 cubic puzzle ! However you must open the gate looking in the room next door. Button up the grid but a limited time. For you to look ...

Glass-Blower :
The glass bower can make bombs ...
This room is hidden in the sanctuary refuge... near the foutain...behind...;-) Find the secret button !

et voilà !
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by ORYX »

rexornet wrote:Thanks for this mod Oryx. I have really enjoyed playing it over the last couple of weeks and have now finally earned enough gold to buy my freedom. :D

However, I still have two of the red cubes to turn to green so I don't want to leave the dungeon until I've had a go at trying to solve the activation key puzzles for those areas too.

The first is: MoleBrune Armouries
I'm sure this will turn out to be very obvious and I'll have just completely overlooked it. I've already wandered around this level pressing tiles and looking for secret buttons, etc, but to no avail. I can hear the robot stomping around on the other side of the armoury wall but I don't know how to get to him. Can you give me a clue on what to do please?

The second is: Glass-Blower
I don't even know where this is! :oops: I've been through levels 1 to 24 (even tried L2 with the deadly cubes) but I don't recall seeing anywhere that was identified as Glass-Blower, so some help here would be appreciated.

Also, on level 19 there is a corridor with a broken wall (half way down the map) that leads into another corridor that is full of water that I can't access. Does this area need solving too? If so, another clue please...
Hello Rexornet !!

Thank you for the compliments.


MoleBrune Armouries :
It's easy... lol
It is 2 meters from 10 cubic puzzle ! However you must open the gate looking in the room next door. Button up the grid but a limited time. For you to look ...

Glass-Blower :
The glass bower can make bombs ...
This room is hidden in the sanctuary refuge... near the foutain...behind...;-) Find the secret button !

et voilà !
Thank you to ENDORSE ME http://www.nexusmods.com/grimrock/mods/290/?
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by rexornet »

Yay! Thanks for those clues Oryx. They did the trick. :D

I knew the MoleBrune Armories would turn out to be something simple and it was. I am kicking myself for not discovering the answer without having to ask for help! And now I can only imagine how much stronger I would have been if I'd had all the armour, weapons and equipment from in there much earlier in the game. Grrr!

I thought I had clicked on all the tiles in the Sanctuary refuge but obviously missed that one. Again, the Glass-Blower was quite a simple solution that I should have discovered on my own. :oops:

So, my stats are that I completed the game in 25hrs 37mins and ended up with 2,596,062 gold.
I picked up 10 skulls and found 10 out of 11 secrets.

I suspect the 11th secret is in the area on Level 19 which has the water-filled corridor that I haven't found a way to get into?

As I said previously, I have really enjoyed playing this mod. It was a huge dungeon, with tons of places to explore and lots of secret passages to find. The puzzles were often quite ingenious, with thankfully, not too many of them being reliant on split-second timing. The reward of being able to constantly find gold and treasures along the way felt quite gratifying.

I'm not sure if it was deliberate, but there was a skull (L21), crown (L9) and gold nugget (L22) that I was unable to pick up.

Some of the graphics were very nicely done, especially the exterior locations which were sumptuous to look at, although the downside to that was a fps lag which slowed me down to around two thirds of normal speed in those areas. Overall though, it didn't prove to be too much of a problem to cope with.

My favourite area was on Level 14 with the ogre and the breakable walls. I thought that was a fab puzzle as there was the jeopardy of having to keep the ogre hot on your tail to smash through the walls to allow you to progress while not allowing yourself to be cornered somewhere and having to fight him before you needed to.

My least favourite area was the cube corner on Level 16 as I found that a little scary to get through, but I have to admit that's more to do with the fact that the cube traumatised me in the original game and I still get jittery now whenever I have to face it!! :oops: :P

Anyway, thank you for a great mod.
Definitely worth an endorsement from me.
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by THOM »

I am stuck again :-(

Beeing back at niv1 Chateau MoleBrune and cannot get any further.

- cannot open the Armory
- cannot sove the cube-puzzle (the red and green thing at the armoury)
- don't know what "pump twice downe and purge" should do
- downstairs, there is a door which I havn't the key for

I still have not enough gold and don't know where to get ist. Sadly, there seem to be parts which I can't enter again eg. niv-1 MoleBrune. The northern part is blocked out now which is really sad because I left the Level by jumping down a pit I am not sure that I discovered everthing here :-(

Someone one or two hints?
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by Dr.Disaster »

tschrage wrote:- cannot open the Armory
that's just explained a few posts above
tschrage wrote:cannot sove the cube-puzzle (the red and green thing at the armoury)
It's an indicator for side-quests and areas. The indicators change once a side-quest is done or an area visited. When all indicators are lit you get access to a bonus area rather late in the game.
tschrage wrote:don't know what "pump twice downe and purge" should do
You got a lever and a button there so ...
tschrage wrote:downstairs, there is a door which I havn't the key for
Downstairs of what/where? A map might help.
tschrage wrote:I still have not enough gold and don't know where to get ist. Sadly, there seem to be parts which I can't enter again eg. niv-1 MoleBrune. The northern part is blocked out now which is really sad because I left the Level by jumping down a pit I am not sure that I discovered everthing here :-(
No need to go back up. The sole purpose of that level is to kills some critters, grab some gear and go further down.
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by THOM »

Okay - thanx, Dr.Disaster, for replying. Probably I was not precise enough.

I have been at that what I might consider as the bottom of the dungeon (the level with the red blotchy walls - where the mechanic cube sometimes jumps out of a pit). Than I went back upstairs through all levels that I have finished (or that I consider to be finished - obviously they are not because most of the 10 cube-lights are still red...). But there are some areas that I cannot enter again...

To open the armoury is not explained some posts before (or I am too silly to understand) - it's just written, that its not far away and easy. I am not able to get it - and because it should be easy that makes me feel more silly...

"pump twice downe and purge": sure I have a lever and a button. I pushed the lever twice down, pressed the button - repeated that several times in different ways and other numbers of pushing/pressing. Nothing happens. (Sorry, you cannot know that: I am someone who starts asking questions after he tried out everything, that he can think of. Again, I am probably too silly to try out really everything...). Can you just give me a clue, what should happen?

"downstaris" - well, I meant the entrance hall of MoleBrun (downstairs from level niv1 MoleBrun). There is also one door with a keyhole.
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by Dr.Disaster »

tschrage wrote:I have been at that what I might consider as the bottom of the dungeon (the level with the red blotchy walls - where the mechanic cube sometimes jumps out of a pit).
Aren't you mixing up dungeons? I recall those from niv-3 Ruines Ishar and not Molebrune which by the way is 7 levels deep.
tschrage wrote:To open the armoury is not explained some posts before (or I am too silly to understand) - it's just written, that its not far away and easy. I am not able to get it - and because it should be easy that makes me feel more silly...
Well it's not told explicitly but the means to get entrance is nearby. Best watch your step there, don't burn your feet!
tschrage wrote:"pump twice downe and purge": sure I have a lever and a button. I pushed the lever twice down, pressed the button - repeated that several times in different ways and other numbers of pushing/pressing. Nothing happens. (Sorry, you cannot know that: I am someone who starts asking questions after he tried out everything, that he can think of. Again, I am probably too silly to try out really everything...). Can you just give me a clue, what should happen?
Sorry, can't recall, it's been too long since i played this room.
I think it was some kind of monster disposal; nothing really important.
tschrage wrote:"downstaris" - well, I meant the entrance hall of MoleBrun (downstairs from level niv1 MoleBrun). There is also one door with a keyhole.
When you enter niv-2 of Molebrune you run into twin gates. One has a pull chain and the other is opened with something on the pressure plate before the gates. The key hole beside the gates will unlock a button which will teleport you to the Sanctuary. There is quite a number of these keys holes throughout the mod and AFAIR some even trigger "10-cube-puzzle" indicators so make sure to find and unlock them all.
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by THOM »

Thanx again, Dr.Disaster

Your hint for the armouries was helpful. :mrgreen: Well - really simple - and not where I expected something...

You are right, the jumping cubes are on Ishar Ruins niv-3
Well, what I meant with the door and the keyhole was that one:
And what I meant with "ways are blocked" is that: When I enter niv-1 for the secound time (like I would do now to discover things I have left out) the door in the beginning (left) ist closed and the way further on in the dungeon is blocked (right).

So there are areas I cannot enter again, if I have left them once (and in this case it's not only the part in the middle of the map: its also everything below of this level - nearly half of the whole dungeon. Something like a dead end...
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