So this is It??

Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: So this is It??

Post by maneus »

Err, that no new things will be come has nothing to do with the fact, that supposedly the guys here are not active.
I for myself working every day (and sometimes night) on my own 40k mod which includes "tons" of new 3D models in it and some new ideas which I´ve not see in any other mod.
So it´s a lot of work for myself to create all the needed things and find a way to let them looking and functioning good enough, that the player will have fun by playing my mod.

And merely why odinsballs and leki posting some screens and tests it dosn´t mean that these two talented guys are the only ones who make something.
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Re: So this is It??

Post by leewroy »

Not a thing to worry. When you less expect someone will come with a new module. As for Log2, it will be release in 2014, someday. It's a fact. Now I´m really worried with the future of darksiders franchise, I´d like to play the third next year too.

Don't take offense about the "high", dude. I was just kidding with you :mrgreen:
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Re: So this is It??

Post by Phitt »

Eleven Warrior wrote:Hi all

No imam not high on drugs as someone put it.. There were so many things happening but what is the point of saying anything... [...]
Patience you must have my young Padawan. It's only natural that the modding community isn't as active as it was when the game was new. That's what happens with every game. AH are teasing us with all the new features Grimrock 2 will have, so I guess a lot of people feel like I do. Why should I start making a mod, which takes several months to complete, if Grimrock 2 offers so much more freedom and possibilities? Modding Grimrock was fun for me, but it was also quite restrictive. I couldn't do half of the things I wanted to do and even for those I could do I had to use workarounds more often than not.

To be honest I didn't expect that it would take that long before Grirmock 2 would come out, but overall two years are completely normal for developing a game. Especially since they obviously don't just make a glorified DLC, but a game that deserves to have the '2' behind it. Enjoy the many good mods that Grimrock has and wait for Grimrock 2. You'll see that the modding community will explode once the sequel is out and everything will be fine again.

And apart from that it's pretty amazing that there are still people (even though they may have become less) modding for a small indie title that long after release and after a sequel was announced already. There are larger titles that don't get that much attention.
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Re: So this is It??

Post by bongobeat »

Ya, true, many projects dies, but fortunately not all of them :D

You can advertise and give us some screenshot of your mod
that will clearly shows that there is always "activity" here ;)
My asset pack: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9320

Log1 mod : Toorum Manor: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5505
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Re: So this is It??

Post by Diarmuid »

Hmmmm that's really one weird thread... I for one am working day and night on the ORRR2, which will be coming out in 2 weeks time if all goes well after 6 months of development, and features 22 modders from the community + lots of assets by others, there's a lot of people who help me actively in that, jKos, Xanathar, Isaac, JohnWosdworth, msyblade, spiderfighter, Kuningas, aaneton are all active testing and fixing things...

The forum may be less active, but as others said, we're far from having given up on Grimock... ???
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Re: So this is It??

Post by Kuningas »

Well, personally I am much at fault here. I too still lurk, but rarely get anything done (save my humble room in ORRR2). And I know I promised more of the cultist skins about about three ages ago... On the same day they started building the pyramids at Giza, I think. ; D

As for the projects you mentioned... Some of those are undoubtedly gone, but others I know are still underway, even if progress is slow.

I do understand your sentiment -- the golden days of when Grimrock was young are gone for now, perhaps to be lived again once Grimrock 2 comes around (and it does come around, of that I have no doubt). Still, I confess my secret hope is that someone releases a surprising, massive and overwhelming mod that will be big enough to draw attention to Grimrock itself and give us a much needed boost.

In the end, all of us around here stand as a testament to a fairly stout community. There are new guys who stick around, there are old guys who spend less time here, but I don't think there really is any reason to fear we'd completely disappear. Every season, especially during sales, some newcomers discover Grimrock, and those who like it will be likely to try modding or play mods already made.

So fear not, we will be here, and we will be ready when Grimrock 2 comes out.
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Re: So this is It??

Post by Asteroth »

I admit, I wonder why I stick around here. Not because it's dead though. Just because it's been nearly 8 months since I have done anything remotely Grimrock related. For some reason I just never stopped dropping in and leaving the occasional minor comment after I lost all my work.

P.S I never did mention. I came into possession of a (Very cheap) computer right after Thanksgiving (Uhm, that's a US/Canadian holiday for the many Europeans on here). So my very long state of being computerless is over.
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Re: So this is It??

Post by maneus »

Congratulations, Asteroth, for having a computer again.
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Re: So this is It??

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

I have been spending my free time playing around in Blender, but I still drop by the forums here daily. I am pretty much waiting on Grimrock 2 and DarkDale to come out.

Congratz on the new computer. I'm hoping Grimrock 2 is playable on my computer though. With all the new stuff I'm getting a little worried.
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Re: So this is It??

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Hi guys..

Ryeath_Greystalk what are you making in Blender man?

1 - Hey john good to see the Book came about, it's awesome work man for sure...
2 - Odins Balls is making some awesome new wallsets and Models.
3 - Leki is doing a fine job on the new Monsters for the 40K wallset and Models, cant wait to see them ahy..
4 - ORRR2 will be ready soon awesome yeah...

Well now things are happening awesome that's what we need.. Good Job all..

Will miss LOTNR being made?? I was hoping it would become a reality. It sounded so good, with the best Scripters, Mod designers and more..

Anyhow rambling on again.. Ohh and the new Mods coming out are awesome, cant play them all sorry.. Desperate Gamers Mod awesome and 1 Mod I really love is Bongo Beats Mod Torum's Manor just good work there bro.. Of course I love all the mods out there.. Cant wait to see Local Fire new Mod..

My Mod is coming on well but being a adventure quest type mod it's taking a lot of time to complete.. I want to give you guys some screen shots but don't know how to get them onto this site...

So that's my mind out there.. Have fun all and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS.... :) :) :)
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