I here to sugestion a few thinks since i see a lot bad in games around even in new ones it bad inovation.
1- Walk sounds ?? please make heavy armor move sounds if you use heavy armor you need sounds like it not like leather boots that terrible you use heavy armor and walk like lady sound ?
2- Block sounds better ones
3- Heroes interact voices it fights, places, poisons, why not ? i realy fan of Dungeon master and Wizardry 8 why dont use they exp to add in this game - Angry type, Brutal, kind.. voices or quiet -interact it places i see a chest, oh nooo i feel i bad. ha ha this enemy is weak or option to silent warrior, or fear one you hear that.. omg, maybe add Courage bar for heroes morals.
4- Why dont put ghost voice sounds, terror in game like Amnesia ? sounds make diferenct to air of terror in game, i remeber in DUNGEON MASTER a goblin it walk sound like Dragon, i fear of terror thinking its a dragon coming when i see its a small thief goblin..i think oldschool player goin rebember this too hehe - that why sounds make realy cool diference.
5- Axe, Slash, berzeck - i think each weapon need a sound, and blood and chop effect.
obs: Check diablo 3 how sux, i use heavy armor it leather boots sounds ?? lol compare it Darksouls sounds.

Thx everyone i just sugestions since i allwayes want better game it oldshcool type