[MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by ORYX »

Lightangels wrote:Ah mais tu est français :D

Bah j'ai essayé aussi ça change rien. trois gemmes rouge dans chaque orifice, faut mélanger les couleurs ?*

J'ai tout essayé pas moyen rien ne se passe :(
Et oui il en faut des frenchies !! Lool

Quand tu auras trouvé la bonne combinaison (la même couleur pour les yeux. .une autre couleur pour la bouche...) elles disparaîtront dans un flash lumineux ouvrant un nouveau passage pas loin. ...

Nb : Les 3 gemmes a placer sont toutes dans cette grande salle....

Pourras tu augmenter ma réputation avec l endorsement ?

Bon jeu et bon We. :D
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by Lightangels »

Débloqué, j'essayais avec d'autres gemms que j'avais gardé auparavant enfait.

Ton mod est vraiment bon, j'ai joué a des tas de mod, et ton histoire est originale ils ya des élements que j'avais jamais vu auparavant, le bouton sur le petit pied d'estal, et le donjon est vraiment énorme bon boulot, allez je m'y remet :P
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by ORYX »

Lightangels wrote:Débloqué, j'essayais avec d'autres gemms que j'avais gardé auparavant enfait.

Ton mod est vraiment bon, j'ai joué a des tas de mod, et ton histoire est originale ils ya des élements que j'avais jamais vu auparavant, le bouton sur le petit pied d'estal, et le donjon est vraiment énorme bon boulot, allez je m'y remet :P
:D :P Merci !!
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by odinsballs »

for those of you that experience fps lag in exterior scene's, turn off ssao in game option menu this wil improve framerate quite a bit in exterior scene's . ;)
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by THOM »

I'm stuck in level 14 (Chateau le Mole -7)
There is a room with serveral fireholes and a numer of keyholes. I got two Ornate Keys from killing those robots - but cannot open all closed doors or find another way out. Please help...
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by ORYX »

tschrage wrote:I'm stuck in level 14 (Chateau le Mole -7)
There is a room with serveral fireholes and a numer of keyholes. I got two Ornate Keys from killing those robots - but cannot open all closed doors or find another way out. Please help...

If you have two ornate keys ...killing Robots..

1. Walk to the pressure plate near the Second robot...
2. Press button near the first robot.
3. The eight secrets doors open.
4. Use 2 ornate Keys from the locks.
5. A secret door OPENS
6. Use ruby key from lock.
7. A secret door OPENS..
8. Use the last key.. Gold Key to exit !!!

Voilà !!
Are you ok ?
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by THOM »

Thanx, ORYX. Finally I could leave that room :-) Buuuut: I'm stuck again.
I am at Level 1 Ruins Ishar - behind the labyrith of grating doors I am locked in an area where I can put 3 Gems into one of these stonefaces. two red ones as eyes, a emerald one in the mouth - but nothing happens. Cannot find another button/open door/way out...
Someone a clue?
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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by ORYX »

tschrage wrote:Thanx, ORYX. Finally I could leave that room :-) Buuuut: I'm stuck again.
I am at Level 1 Ruins Ishar - behind the labyrith of grating doors I am locked in an area where I can put 3 Gems into one of these stonefaces. two red ones as eyes, a emerald one in the mouth - but nothing happens. Cannot find another button/open door/way out...
Someone a clue?
Hello !

You must transform Ancient Apparatus with blue gem (from Daemon Head..) to Green Gem...
To do this... Push secret button not far from Ancient Apparatus...

Et voilà ! Think to ENDORSE ME http://www.nexusmods.com/grimrock/mods/290/?

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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by THOM »

Hi Oryx
I have transformed the blue gem into a green one. I have put it in the mouth of the Stoneface and the 2 red ones in the eyes.
But nothing happens...

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Re: [MOD] LE PRIX DE LA LIBERTE (french & English language)

Post by rexornet »

Thanks for this mod Oryx. I have really enjoyed playing it over the last couple of weeks and have now finally earned enough gold to buy my freedom. :D

However, I still have two of the red cubes to turn to green so I don't want to leave the dungeon until I've had a go at trying to solve the activation key puzzles for those areas too.

The first is: MoleBrune Armouries
I'm sure this will turn out to be very obvious and I'll have just completely overlooked it. I've already wandered around this level pressing tiles and looking for secret buttons, etc, but to no avail. I can hear the robot stomping around on the other side of the armoury wall but I don't know how to get to him. Can you give me a clue on what to do please?

The second is: Glass-Blower
I don't even know where this is! :oops: I've been through levels 1 to 24 (even tried L2 with the deadly cubes) but I don't recall seeing anywhere that was identified as Glass-Blower, so some help here would be appreciated.

Also, on level 19 there is a corridor with a broken wall (half way down the map) that leads into another corridor that is full of water that I can't access. Does this area need solving too? If so, another clue please...
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