How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
First read about it on, one of my fav rpg news sites
As of now, LoG is 3rd from the top and starts out by saying,
"Legend of Grimrock continues its stellar run of reviews with this trio. First, IGN who awarded 8.5/10 and Editor's Choice Award"
As of now, LoG is 3rd from the top and starts out by saying,
"Legend of Grimrock continues its stellar run of reviews with this trio. First, IGN who awarded 8.5/10 and Editor's Choice Award"
LoG Survivor!!
Surviving Party: Mino - Fighter, Liz - Rogue, Insect - Mage, Human - Rogue
Surviving Party: Mino - Fighter, Liz - Rogue, Insect - Mage, Human - Rogue
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
I heard about it from the post on ArsTechnica ( ... &t=1168721). Saw the comparison screenshots in the first post and was hooked. Guess it's time to go back to lurking. Kind of wish I had setup an account when I first started visiting this site so I could see how long I went before my first post.
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
I actually was searching for Android based rpgs, and come across this three days before the release. I am an old school Dungeon Master fan. Had it on Atari ST and have always rated it as one of my best games. I completed DM but not CSB. I used grid paper and pencil and loved the whole experience. Other games of the genre didn't match DM's sophistication and interaction.
I actually purchase this thinking it was for Android and was hoping to play in my tablet, but I will now be playing on my Kubuntu Desktop system running Wine to get windows games working.
I actually purchase this thinking it was for Android and was hoping to play in my tablet, but I will now be playing on my Kubuntu Desktop system running Wine to get windows games working.
- TheGnomeKing
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:36 pm
- Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
First post here and I feel late to the party...
I heard about the game through a friend. Both of us really enjoyed old school dungeon crawlers (Eye of the Beholder, etc) and heard this was kind of a spiritual successor to those types of games. I read up on it and really look forward to playing.

Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
Welcome and yes it is very exciting!TheGnomeKing wrote:First post here and I feel late to the party...I heard about the game through a friend. Both of us really enjoyed old school dungeon crawlers (Eye of the Beholder, etc) and heard this was kind of a spiritual successor to those types of games. I read up on it and really look forward to playing.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
heard about it from a gaming community I frequent
Im up a perpetual estuary without the proper means of propulsion...
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
Probably either on bluesnews or rock paper shotgun when it was first announced last summer.
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
Just saw LoG trailer on steam by chance and felt its cool & powerful
linked here, found the preorder then bought without delay

linked here, found the preorder then bought without delay
Last edited by Iwbtone on Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
Just in time! Will go up to full price shortly!Iwbtone wrote:Just saw LoG trailer on steam and felt its cool & powerful
linked here, found the preorder then bought without delay
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: How did you hear about Legends of Grimrock?
from Notch, just like so many else...
Wu Tse