Finished in 22:45 with a new LoG default party(*) with all secrets found, 10 skulls picked up and over 2.6 million gold coins
I explizitly said "10 skulls picked up" because i found 11 skull but i can't the heck grab the very first one i've seen in the mod.
It is beside a teleporter on level 21. To reach it i need to strafe in but it always beams me away before i'm able to grab it
(*) The description says to use a level 10 party. Now if one is cautious at start new works too; my party was level 14 at the end.
Once again i burned a long weekend to play a new mod and for this one i must say: WOW! As i already stated before it has TONS

of ear and eye candy. The maps are very creative which sometimes makes it really easy to get lost even with the automap so this mod should not be played by beginners. Due to the main goal of the mod (the hunt for gold and treasure) there are a lot(!) of hidden areas including some very hidden switches

Also tons of different monsters including really HUGE(!) spiders

and some really cool yet not too hard puzzles; my favorite without spoiling too much was the living dozer
Now some finds and observations:
Food is no problem at all; there is more then plenty early on and later there are water fountains. Reagents are fine too.
Flasks can get destroyed in this mod but there are also plenty to find so no big deal.
The gem handling of this mod is a bit odd. Gems will not appear different but they are; more then once i could not proceed because i re-used gems from previous levels and not those to-be-found on the current level.
This maybe needs fixing:
There are emtpy wall texts at level 4 center room and level 19 south-east corner.
The custom shields (of Lion, of Giant/Dragon Slayer, Dark Legion) have no custom properties beside their evasion value and this does not even exceed the evasion value of round respectivly heavy shields (+7 / +10) )so no reason to use them beside the differnt looks.
The amount of gold coins disolved when the party gets hit by a slime can be insane. I have had up to six digit numbers been taken from me per hit which is an automatic reload for me.
Do the pits of level 1 need to be that .. squishy? I'd like to explore it but can't.
At level 6 south-east corner of the dining hall and at level 14 north-east corner beside the door group are indestructible barrels.
The quality of the available gear matches the party requirement of lvl 10 yet the amount could be more. Then again the player should prolly go upstairs first to the armory and not straight downstairs like i did
The amount of findable gear seems a bit limited. There are barely enough armor parts and clothes to get the party dressed. Contar got all the light armor and later the heavy armor parts, Mork went with all dex/evasion stuff and the backrow stayed naked for a long long time until i could get them some pants and boots.
On weapons it took Contar a bit to acquire a regular long sword and that got used until i finally managed to access the armory. Mork went Unarmed which was a lucky guess because the first mace i could get was an Ogre Hammer from the first slain ogre. No cudgel/knoffer mace/warhammer anywhere. Same for axes: it took forever to come up with a simple handaxe and then nothing else, no battle axe or Norja anywhere. Sancsaron went bare handed until i got into the armory for a whitewood wand which is not what i'd expect to find there for a lvl 10+ mage. Yennica went with Throwing because i found six rocks rather quick. Yet she kept using those six rocks until the very end because she could not come up with another stackable or reliable throwing weapon.
Throwers may have a hard time, depending on how they do with the Chakram. I'd say the Chakram is still beta and needs more work before put into a mod; at least not as the main throwing weapon. It would be a nice weapon IF it's auto-return and re-equip would work well but i found that most of the time they don't. Very often the Chakram does not re-equip and just drops in front of the party. Now and then it does not even return at all.
Some of the secrets appear a bit strange to me. I recall at least two that are required(!) to advance/complete a room.
Finally I found another crash issue right at the end:
when i have enough coins and place the bag twice back into it's place the game crashes with
#gestionGold:441: duplicated entity id
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'spawn'
#gestionGold:441: in function <#gestionGold:428>
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'onMessageReceived'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageToEntity'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'broadcastMessage'
[string "TriggerEvents.lua"]: in function 'fire'
[string "ObjectContainer.lua"]: in function 'addItem'
[string "ObjectContainer.lua"]: in function 'onClick'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'mousePressed'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
Also the end seems a bit short, compared to the intro and the lenght of the mod.