[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Unkillable Cat »

I feel so silly for not checking other people's signatures right now...

I'll look into it, but my knowledge of getting Java code to work is none whatsoever, so this may not be of any use to me.

Still, many thanks. :)
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by vegetaman »

Unkillable Cat wrote:
djoldgames wrote:
Unkillable Cat wrote:Isn't this list missing one monster? The long Drow Mage that's encountered on lv 6? Of course, he's probably the easiest to do, just a slight rework of the Goromorg and he's good to go.
You mean this Dark-robed figure:
That's the one. Also, a model for Shindia (female drow) from lv 10 is missing in the list.

On another related note, you guys say that you have some sort of data dump of the levels from Eye of the Beholder, and you're using that to recreate the levels as faithfully as possible. How detailed is this data dump? Does it say what flags are on each square and what they do? What further data from the game has been extracted? I'm currently writing a FAQ for all three games and I'd appreciate any raw data that I can get.
I extracted all of the spells from the game for the SNES version with a simple C# program I made and posted the results on gamefaqs and my personal website a few years ago (the full list from the extract is in spoiler tags, and I cannot remember for the life of me why most things show up twice -- in both upper and lower case first letters, and some things only show up in one and not the other or are spelled slightly differently).
Burning Hands
Detect Magic
Magic Missile
Read Magic
Shocking Grasp
M's Acid Arrow
Stinking Cloud
Dispel Magic
Flame Arrow
Hold Person
Invisibility 10'
Lightning Bolt
Vampiric Touch
Ice Storm
Cone of Cold
Hold Monster

Cure Light Wnds
Cause Light Wnds
Detect Magic
Flame Blade
Hold Person
Slow Poison
Create Food
Dispel Magic
Magical Vestment
Remove Paralysis
Cure Serious
Cause Serious
Protect-Evil 10'
Cure Critical
Cause Critical
Flame Strike
Raise Dead
Lay on Hands

burning hands
detect magic
magic missile
shocking grasp
melf's acid arrow
stinking cloud
dispel magic
flame arrow
hold person
invisibility 10' radius
lightning bolt
vampiric touch
ice storm
cone of cold
hold monster
cure light wounds
cause light wounds
detect magic
protection from evil
flame blade
hold person
slow poison
create food
dispel magic
magical vestment
remove paralysis
cure serious wounds
cause serious wounds
neutralize poison
protection from evil 10' radius
protection from lightning
cure critical wounds
cause critical wounds
flame strike
raise dead
lay on hands
https://sites.google.com/site/vegetaman ... /magiclist

http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/588315-a ... r/53357460

Of the list, I honestly cannot remember anything about the following 3 spells being found while I played the game:

-->Stinking Cloud
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Unkillable Cat »

Those 3 spells were planned in the game up to the point that they're mentioned in the manual, but the data card included with the boxed game (a.k.a. printed patch notes) clearly state that they're not included. I'm guessing they couldn't get area of effect spells to work that have a time-based effect, like a lingering cloud. As for Protection From Lightning I have no idea why it was cut.

The Read Magic and Knock spells are also not in the game. Sleep and Charm Monster were also present in some early alpha build, but that's kinda beside the point.

What I'm most interested in knowing right now, is how exactly Protection From Evil works in the game. It's suppoed to put 'to hit' penalties' on evil creatures that attack the party, but how does the game define an evil monster? Does the penalty even apply? Paladins are supposed to be under the constant effect of this spell (and spread its effects to the entire party) but does anyone really know if this is the case?

These questions, and so many more, are what I'm trying to find the answers for.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by undeaddemon »

Any progress here?

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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by thomson »

undeaddemon wrote:Any progress here?
Do you see any?

Since DJ is busy with the new member of his family and I'm busy working on my DHCPv6 software, there's noone else working on waterdeep sewers. I could probably find some time to write couple scripts, but I don't want to be the only developer in this endavour. If there are others willing to help, then I may become more active again.
[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep sewers forum sources; Grimtools (LoG1 -> LoG2 converter) sources
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Komag »

I have been really looking forward to this project for a long time, I hope you'll change your mind thomson and work on it some more, and maybe that will inspire DJ and others to help as you post about progress made :)
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by thomson »

Komag wrote:I hope you'll change your mind thomson
That's unlikely. I'm already primary developer of two software projects and I can't lead another one.

On the other hand, Komag, now that you master quest is finshed, perhaps you have some time to spare? :)
[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep sewers forum sources; Grimtools (LoG1 -> LoG2 converter) sources
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by vegetaman »

thomson wrote:
Komag wrote:I hope you'll change your mind thomson
That's unlikely. I'm already primary developer of two software projects and I can't lead another one.

On the other hand, Komag, now that you master quest is finshed, perhaps you have some time to spare? :)
Yeah Komag, that would be awesome. :D :)

I'd offer to help but I'm sure I'd be a hindrance as I have never done any custom Grimrock dungeon anything.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Komag »

sorry, not possible for me :( Plus I've never played the original, but I'm sure it would be an enjoyable project
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Asteroth »

Wow, this project died? That's... horrible. It was an amazing idea.
I am the God of darkness and corruption.
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