I just found it in the nexus and in my opinion it's a very good module, so I decided to share with you. Here goes the description and the link to download:
Features :
-> 13 levels
-> 2 endings, one "normal" and a better one if you discover all secrets and treasures
-> 20 secrets
-> 9 skulls
-> 9 iron doors
-> 7 treasures
-> Boss fights, good stuffs and many enigmas
-> Food and alchemy !
IMPORTANT : always make a big save when you find a healing crystal, it could be usefull.. =)
download: http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/248
Credits: designed by Hatlan33
I´m still on level 7 and didn't get stuck for good yet.

Anyway, there's also a video about it on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtqGZNDV87Q
Hope you have fun