Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by g4merguy »

Sweet_Intestinals wrote:Spiders exist in many games. Giant spiders are pretty much a go-to critter for fantasy. Why is it that I have never seen arachnophobic people complain about it before, yet for this game it's a problem lamented about almost as often as circle strafing? Did Almost Human invest heavily in advertising at an arachnophobe convention?
this is what I'm wondering...

its funny because I made a thread about the possible changes to the party interface and was berated by half of the forum saying "they have better things to do"

fun game but the community must have come from dota
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by merkaba48 »

They're not spiders. They are aliens that have shape shifted to look like spiders, and they have done this because they are afraid of you. Really they don't have a single spidery particle in their body.

Either way, keep killing them, and you'll get even better at killing them, until eventually you'll smack 'em dead in just 2 or 3 hits. Y'know. The aliens.
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by Goffmog »

Come on someone start a mycophobia thread and complain about how they can't play the game because of the herders- their characters keep dying because they can't bring themselves to eat them, or make any potions that involve mushrooms. We demand a patch to replace all the fungus in the game with candyfloss.
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by Thels »

I must say, the first time I ran into a spider, was when I rounded a corner, turned, and got the spider attacking me right in the face. That did cause for a bit of scary moment.

As for scary moments, LoG does make me feel emerged into the game. Perhaps it's the 1st person perspective. I haven't really played 1st person perspective since EoB and Wolfenstein 3D, since the more modern games caused reverse motion sickness. Perhaps the square based movement in LoG helps me cope.
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by FeboxReborn »

I personally don't have a general problem with spiders, but they are scary in this game I'll admit that. One of the few mobs that have made me jump on a number of occassions. Many developers have reskinned mobs for those with phobias, and if not, the modding community have done it for them. It is likely that they will provide a reskin, I reckon something like a scorpion possibly? I am only at the beginning of level 6 at the moment so I wouldn't know if these exist in the later levels... :)
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by Xanathar »

Found this by chance and necroing it a bit, I know is old but...

Enable the console and write this in a single line:

xx = 0; for i in allEntities(party.level) do if ( == "spider") then xx = xx + 1; i:destroy(); end; end; print(" => " .. xx)

Repeat for every level to get rid of spiders.

I totally understand your pain. I suffer from severe phobia and once I had a small spider on the windscreen while at was stopped at a red light. I jumped out of the car (I was the driver) and had to breathe deeply and concentrate before being able to get into the car again and kill the thing with a napkin.

Hope this helps - for me everytime I replay the game I either do that or keep praying that level 3 ends soon.
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by Darklord »

Xanathar wrote: I totally understand your pain. I suffer from severe phobia and once I had a small spider on the windscreen while at was stopped at a red light. I jumped out of the car (I was the driver) and had to breathe deeply and concentrate before being able to get into the car again and kill the thing with a napkin.
Wow you be careful! :o

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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by SpiderFighter »

Xanathar wrote:Found this by chance and necroing it a bit, I know is old but...

Enable the console and write this in a single line:

xx = 0; for i in allEntities(party.level) do if ( == "spider") then xx = xx + 1; i:destroy(); end; end; print(" => " .. xx)

Repeat for every level to get rid of spiders.
Isn't doing this making it inadvertantly more difficult, due to lost exp? Just curious.
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by Komag »

that code won't help with spawned spider traps which can scare people who are arachnophobic, and if they are all thinking they are safe because they did the code, wouldn't the effect now be triple bad?!?! :?
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Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

Post by remilafo »

I don't know why this thread has gone on so long.. the solution seems quite simple.

First. get yourself a Grimrock copycat mod.. There are actually a few out right now.. Like grimrock remake, grimrock master quest etc. These mods are more or less grimrock replicas with some balances or enhancements. Download the Source files.

Second. Go into the monster.lua scripts and change the spider to looks like a snail if you want or a herder... Obviously some knowledged of the dungeon editor is needed but luckily easy documentation is availible.

third. Save the changes and export the dungeon to a .dat file..

Fourth.. play the dungeon without spiders... done

just pretend those spider eggs are actually snail eggs.. the color scheme is alot closer to the snails green shells than the spiders anyways.

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