What we did with round one (and it took some gentle prodding at first) was that, after a designer had completed his room, he came onto the thread and announced which (if any) custom assets he had added.Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:The idea of custom assets be pre-assembled is interesting. While it would mean everyone participating would need to have their assets ready right away, it may help with preventing a bunch of duplicate assets.
It looks as if we'll be ready to launch a signup thread today!Drakkan wrote:If there will be some new round of rooms count me in. Id like to use custom assets definitely. 9x9 size is ok, dropbox fine

I agree completely, my argument being a certain mirrored room in the first RR!Neikun wrote:Another thing that occurs to me is, if someone wants to show off tileset work, they should be able to do it, but only using relevant assets, and not a whole wallset.
+1 on this! Not that they'll be reading it here, but still...I've got yer back.Komag wrote:they [re: Steam] seriously need to raise that ancient limit, put it more like 500 or 1GB
Hmmm...now that I think of it...I can come up with something for that.Asteroth wrote:Okay, you people now need to vote for rainbow unicorns as the theme. Quick before he escapes!!
(Wow, I abstained from hijacking your thread for a long time.)

OOH!!!! IDEA!!!!!

Ok, so it seems as if we're all good on using Dropbox. [strike]They now have a team dropbox, so I think I'll look into setting that up.[/strike]Once I found it that 22 team members would cost almost US$3k annually, I pretty much let that idea go. IF YOU ONLY WANT TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE: Do nothing. I'll pm you the link when your turn comes. IF YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN FILE MANIPULATION / .TXT CONVERSATIONS, ETC (think: Google Docs): You need to join dropbox and PM me the email address you used, so that I can invite you to the RR Folder. This will let us avoid spoilers in the forum thread (Better yet, PM me your email addy before you join, and let me invite you through dropbox. This will get us an additional 500mB per new member to play with.). I'll keep backups of each version on my own hard drive as well.
3x3x9 sounds like a winner as well. Shall we use the map already made? [EDIT TO ADD: I meant 9x9x3!! rofl! Although 3x3x9 sounds pretty awesome!

Custom Assets: Sounds like we're all kind of on the same page here, too. If Temple wallset is alright with everyone, we'll start off with that, add Phitt's Cozy Dungeons, and ask everyone to please post any additional custom assets they use in the official signup/discussion thread.
It seems as if, at least for this round, that the idea of a theme is not going to pan out, as everyone seems kinda 'meh' about it. AFAIC, a themed RR is a great idea, but the fact that we're already changing the parameters by limiting room size is our "theme" for this time around. Maybe we should start a discussion of a true themed RR whilst working on this one, so we can get the storyline/assets in place? Or should we scrap it altogether?
Well, if you guys are ready, I think we're in a good place to start the signup thread. Shall I?