I don't know why because it is really not difficult, the way is not hidden

ok then, when you are at the 35 seconds puzzle, go back into the teleporter.
There, go back to the 2 stairs, and go to the stairs up

to finish the level 7 you need 3 skull keys.Drakkan wrote:I already had the solid key (old solid key), used it to enter mine part, here I found one skull key. Now I am in level 7 - part where are spawning ghost skeletons. I need second skull key. Have I overlookedit somewhere around or I need backtrack and solve somehow this green window puzzle ?
Drakkan wrote:level 13 - I got the gold key, pressed lever which closed up pit and now there are two pits (on left and right side) - cannot see way forward. Is there some other lever in this maze I have missed ? Or some secret button ? If yes please in which part. Thanks
ohh!! how can you be stuck there ??leewroy wrote:I´m stuck inside a room...SpoilerShow"fire and ice" tried to shoot fireballs and ice bolts at every corner burt with no luck...what t do in this room? need a clue