Timed Puzzle Help

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by gamerzard »

Komag wrote:of course it makes sense if you play other games and would like an upgrade for them too. But some people don't, or only play games that run fine on their on-board graphics card that came with the computer. That's why I mentioned it would be expensive if it's ONLY to help Grimrock.
your points are valid. Grimrock is the first computer-based game that i have played in over 10 years. there was a steam sale, so i actually paid $6. the $45 was worth every penny to enhance my second run thru the dungeon. and i'm looking forward to a third run (and try not to die). sure, not everyone wants to go thru the effort to upgrade their graphics card or have the budget, but some people might have an OCD and need to open every door. $45 is a lot cheaper than one session with a psychiatrist. :D
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

A bit late to the party here, but one thing I've discovered (or imagine) when doing timed puzzles that involve throwing an item to activate a pressure plate, I seem to have better results using a bow & arrow instead of a rock or thrown weapon. It seems to travel faster and give me a split second more time.

One particular puzzle I tried about 30 times unsuccessfully using a rock but made it on the second time with an arrow.
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Komag »

That's a good tip :) Where did you do that?
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

Komag wrote:That's a good tip :) Where did you do that?
I think it was level 4. There was a lever in an alcove, had to pull level, strafe left turn 180 degrees, fire projectile, strafe back right and wait for portcullis to open. the go 2 more squares into a wooden door.
There was a clue that said "your feet can not carry you there fast enough.
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Komag »

Ah yes, that's the entrance to the "Deserted Tunnels" in the north section of level 5. It's a tight run there, never thought of using arrows, thanks!
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Docsteve »

I'm a greenhorn and thanks for your suggestions. Despite all of these I still can't do the timed event with the two pits containing Leather Greaves on level 3.
I decided to try slowing the game speed down as per the first post in this discussion.
I have got the console to work and after I type the tilde it comes up with a $ and so I typed in what you said viz:
gameMode.timeMultiplier = 0.7
and pressed return. The console then responded with viz:
[string "user-input"]:1: attempt to index global 'gameMode' (a nil value)
I then closed the console by entering the tilde again, however the game did not slow down at all.
What am I doing wrong please?

Also why don't they make these timed things easier when in easy mode?
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Komag »

How the console works is completely different now than last year. Have you tried changing the graphics settings to "Low" rendering just for this puzzle?
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Docsteve »

Many thanks for your help.
I tried this puzzle loads of times on "Low" and "High" rendering as you suggested.
However I could not detect any difference in the timing.
How can I change the game speed as previously suggested?

Also (again) why don't they make these timed things easier when in easy mode?
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Docsteve wrote:I'm a greenhorn and thanks for your suggestions. Despite all of these I still can't do the timed event with the two pits containing Leather Greaves on level 3.
The pits containing Leather Greaves have no timed event, not even a puzzle to solve. To close one of the pits so you can cross them you have to flip the clearly visable lever on the other side. To get to the lever you have to work your way thru level 3.
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Re: Timed Puzzle Help

Post by Komag »

(He's talking about the next pits to the east)

About easy making timed stuff easier, I don't know, it was just a design decision that difficultly would only affect monster fighting
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