[OBSOLETE] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Komag »

already being done, "frankendungeon". If one-room takes three months, how long will one-level take?
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by dasarby »

With regards to the timing, it seems to me that one of the advantages of a pre-made map and having people choose rooms is that it would be possible to have everyone working on their own single dungeon, and then merge them together. So everyone works simultaneously, and one person merges it all together.

I've been looking at dungeon.lua, i think this merging would be as simple as copy/paste if set up correctly.

Expanding on that, if there is one person overseeing the whole process, that person could be responsible for a dungeon-wide puzzle to end the game, and that involves an element from each room. For example, the overseer could say to one person make finding a red gem be the final thing in your room, then the red gem could be used for the final solution. Find items, flip levers, etc.
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by HaunterV »

Komag wrote:already being done, "frankendungeon". If one-room takes three months, how long will one-level take?
Yeah sorry for that one guys. Edsploration had life smack him in the face so we failed to meet the desired window on that one.
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Kseroshy »

Hello. I had no idea where i can write it so i'll write it here :)
I want make a room in that project, is that still possible or should I wait for next project?
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Numberouane »

BTW, any update about this one?
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by truhlik »

Other suggestion. What about something similar or based on movie "CUBE"? Each level strictly consists of 5x5 rooms and have 5 levels at all. After finishing room ways to all other connected rooms will open. So player has to choose to move to other not-yet-finished one. And maybe, every room could be entered only onece. Whole with random start and random final room ;) . So you can play it several times like a maze-puzzle game.
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Marble Mouth »

Hi truhlik. That sounds like a very neat idea, but maybe a little too restrictive for the round robin format? I think it would require such a great degree of planning and forethought that it could be difficult for people to incorporate ideas that we're already playing with. I think that entering each room once only could be especially counterproductive, since the player should be able to try each room, leave a room that they can't finish, and come back later. But if we go that route, then combat balancing might become difficult... the SL 2 monsters aren't such a threat after you've leveled up to 3... We could write scripts that beef up the monsters to match the party's level, but I personally have always hated RPG's that punish me for leveling up.

Anywho. Round 1 was released on Feb 4, 2013 ( and it's AWESOME. ) I would like very much for round 2 to happen, and I would like to contribute. As noted by Spiderfighter in the first post, this is not a signup thread. I don't think we're ready for signups, since we have so many unresolved questions about the guidelines/rules for the submissions. I don't think it's feasible to continue discussing until we reach consensus. So who makes the rules for how we make the rules? Who will coordinate signups and sending the files around? Who will make sure the bugs get found and fixed? Organizing this sort of thing has proven to be some serious work, so I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't want that responsibility. But I would definitely appreciate a volunteer. I want to help in any way that I can, but I'm new to this wonderful community. I don't know if it's appropriate for me to step in here. Certainly, anyone involved in creating round 1 would be in a better than average position to coordinate round 2.

So, is anyone currently actively organizing round 2? If not, does anyone else want that responsibility?
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Kseroshy »

I think nice idea would be start our "One Room II" where first ended. That hallway would be good, imho :)
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Asteroth »

Is anyone still working to arrange this?
I think it may, in a word, be "leaderless".
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Re: [DISCUSSION] "One Room" Round Robin Mod - Round Two!

Post by Neikun »

A leader will surface, I'm sure.
What we need to iron out is how to make it possible for the player to choose who's room he plays in the order he chooses to play them in.

The next is to set a limit of developers.
We know that the mod has to be under 100mb to get on Steam.

There was also talk about restricting the space of a designer's room. In the original concept, we were trying to keep everything on one floor with the second floor being there so we could use pitfalls.
I don't think it should be necessary that we keep us designers limited in room size.
Our main limitation is File Size, and the two biggest contributors to file size are
  • Custom Assets
  • Number of designers.
Number of designers is not super impacting if we manage custom assets right.
In the original concept of the One Room, the player must travel from start to finish, experiencing everyone's room in a set order. This was one cause of our need to limit designers, to prevent the player from feeling like it was such a long trip to the end of the mod. (Also we wanted to be able to release the mod sooner without too long in the bug hunt process or level designing)

I think that if we go for a more open concept that encourages player choice in how he plays the mod, we'll be able to squeeze more designers in that the first time.
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